Recalibrate ERA5 hourly temperatures to CIMIS network ground observations.
We want to recalibrate ERA5-LAND hourly temperatures to CIMIS ground network observations to address ERA5-LAND model biases noted in California:
This work was initially performed for WorldCover PBC and OLAM US, redacted here to omit confidential details.
dir <- "."
load(file.path(dir, "./tmp/2020-burn_olam_usa_06.RData"))
# Default color palette
pal <- readRDS("../../_assets/pal_iwmi.rds")
my.settings <- list(
superpose.polygon=list(col=alpha(pal, .6), border="transparent"),
Define zone of interest and load covariate layers.
# Clear workspace, keep portfolio details
load(file.path(dir, "./tmp/2020-burn_olam_usa_04.RData"))
rm(list=setdiff(ls(), c("dir", "pts.dt")))
pts <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(pts.dt[, .(X,Y)], data.frame(pts.dt),
usa <- getData("GADM", country="USA", level=2)
# Limit to OLAM counties
usa <- usa[usa$NAME_2 %in% pts.dt[, unique(adm2_nm)],]
zoi <- extent(usa)
# class : Extent
# xmin : -121.4844
# xmax : -117.6166
# ymin : 34.7902
# ymax : 38.07786
# Catalog hourly ERA5 tmean
f <- list.files(file.path(dir, "../maps/ERA5LAND/2m_temperature/hourly/"), ".nc",
recursive=T, full.names=T)
# Verify data archive
n <- sapply(f, function(x) nlayers(brick(x, quick=T)))
# [1] 23 24 1 22
bad <- f[names(n[n<24])]
n <- sapply(f[bad], function(x) nlayers(brick(x, quick=T)))
fname = basename(f[bad]),
nlayers = n)
# fname nlayers
# 1: 23
# 2: 1
# 3: 22
# 4: 22
# 5: 22
# 6: 22
N <- lapply(f[1:10], function(x) {
s = brick(x, quick=T)
s = setMinMax(s)
s = minValue(s) == maxValue(s)
bad <- N[sapply(N, `!=`, integer(0))]
Obtain long-term weather station records from CIMIS API.
item <- "hly-air-tmp"
# Keep all CIMIS stations inside ZOI
obs.gis <- cimis_station()
obs.gis[1:3, .(ConnectDate, DisconnectDate, HmsLatitude, HmsLongitude)]
# ConnectDate DisconnectDate HmsLatitude HmsLongitude
# 1: 6/7/1982 9/25/1988 36º48'52N / 36.814444 -119º43'54W / -119.731670
# 2: 6/7/1982 9/25/1988 36º48'52N / 36.814444 -119º43'54W / -119.731670
# 3: 6/7/1982 9/25/1988 36º48'52N / 36.814444 -119º43'54W / -119.731670
obs.gis[, `:=`(
# HMS Lat/Lon to degree
X = unlist(tstrsplit(HmsLongitude, " / ", fixed=T, keep=2L)),
Y = unlist(tstrsplit(HmsLatitude, " / ", fixed=T, keep=2L))
)][, `:=`(
X = as.numeric(X),
Y = as.numeric(Y)
)][, `:=`(
# Cast dates
date_start = as.Date(ConnectDate, format="%m/%d/%Y"),
date_end = as.Date(DisconnectDate, format="%m/%d/%Y")
obs.gis[1:3, .(HmsLongitude, HmsLatitude, X, Y, date_start, date_end)]
obs.gis <- obs.gis[, .(StationNbr, Name, X, Y, date_start, date_end, IsActive)]
# There are duplicated stations (?)
obs.gis <- unique(obs.gis, by=c("StationNbr", "X", "Y", "date_start"))
anyDuplicated(obs.gis, by="StationNbr")
# Date ranges that are available
obs.gis[, .(range(date_start), range(date_end))]
# V1 V2
# 1: 1982-05-30 1985-07-23
# 2: 2020-10-28 2050-12-31
obs.gis <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(obs.gis[, .(X, Y)], data.frame(obs.gis),
obs.gis <- crop(obs.gis, zoi)
# Plot maps
plot(crop(raster(r, layer=2), zoi), main=basename(f[2]))
plot(pts, add=T, pch="*")
plot(obs.gis, add=T, col=c("red", "green")[1+(obs.gis$IsActive=="True")], pch="x")
obs.lst <- obs.gis@data[, "StationNbr"]
obs.gis <- setDT(obs.gis@data)
# API limit at 1,750 records so batch it
drange <- c("2017-01-01", "2017-04-30")
obs <- lapply(obs.lst, function(x) {
date_start = obs.gis[StationNbr==x, date_start]
date_end = obs.gis[StationNbr==x, date_end]
date_start = pmax(as.Date(drange[1]), date_start)
date_end = pmin(as.Date(drange[2]), date_end)
res = if(date_end >= date_start) {
s = seq.Date(date_start, date_end, by="10 days")
lapply(s, function(y) {
t = try(cimis_data(
targets=as.integer(x), items=item, measure.unit="M",,
t = if(class(t)[1]=="try-error") NULL else setDT(t)
} else NULL
obs <- lapply(obs, rbindlist)
names(obs) <- obs.lst
obs <- rbindlist(obs, fill=T, idcol="StationNbr")
# Clean up
obs[, `:=`(
Name = NULL,
Type = NULL,
Owner = NULL,
Standard = NULL,
ZipCodes = NULL,
Item = NULL,
Qc = NULL,
Unit = NULL
# Verify
obs[StationNbr != Station, .N]
obs[, .N, by=Scope]
obs[, `:=`(
Station = NULL,
Scope = NULL
# Tally
obs[, .(.N, min(Date), max(Date)), keyby=.(StationNbr)]
# => "232" station missing records 2160/2880
obs[, .(.N, sum(, min(Date), max(Date)), keyby=.(StationNbr)]
# Nearest to OLAM3 portfolio
ids <- c(168, 206, 145, 188, 148)
fwrite(obs[StationNbr %in% as.character(ids)], "./out/CIMIA_OLAM3_2017.csv")
Prepare DEM at ERA5 layers.
Format station time-series to Zoo wide arrays.
# Prep station time-series, require ZOO wide format
obs[, Time := paste(as.character(Date), Hour)
][, c("Date", "Time") := IDateTime(
as.POSIXlt(Time, format="%Y-%m-%d %H%M", tz="America/Los_Angeles"))]
View(obs[c(1:30, .N)])
# 2017-01-01 2300 => 2017-01-01 23:00
# 2017-01-01 2400 => 2017-01-02 00:00
# => OK
setorder(obs, StationNbr, Date, Time)
obs.ts <- dcast(obs, Date+Time~StationNbr, value.var="Value")
obs.ts <- zoo(
obs.ts[, .SD, .SDcols=-c(1:2)],[, as.POSIXlt(paste(Date, Time, tz="America/Los_Angeles"))]
Implement Random Forest merge algorithm.
# Cut the series at Jan-Apr 2017 (time constraint)
drange <- c("2017-01-01", "2017-04-30")
x1 <- which(f %like% drange[1])
x2 <- which(f %like% drange[2])
f <- f[x1:x2]
# Limit ERA5 covariate
era <- brick(as.list(f))
era <- crop(era, zoi, filename="./out/ERA5_2m_temperature_2017.grd", overwrite=T)
era <- brick("./out/ERA5_2m_temperature_2017.grd")
# Align DEM to ERA5
dem <- resample(dem, era[[1]], filename="./out/SRTM_ERA5.grd")
identical(res(dem), res(era))
identical(extent(dem), extent(era))
identical(nlayers(era), nrow(obs.ts))
# ZOI require SF
stations <- sf::st_as_sf(obs.gis, coords=c("X", "Y"), crs=4326)
zoi <- st_as_sfc(st_bbox(usa))
zoi <- st_sf(data.frame(ID=1), geom=zoi)
# Verify CRS
identical(st_crs(zoi), st_crs(era))
identical(st_crs(r), st_crs(era))
# Reproject all to NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers
NAD83 <- CRS("+init=epsg:3310")
era <- projectRaster(from=era, crs=NAD83)
dem <- projectRaster(from=dem, crs=NAD83)
stations <- st_transform(stations, crs=3310)
pts <- spTransform(pts, CRS("+init=epsg:3310"))
zoi <- st_transform(zoi, crs=3310)
obs.gis[, `:=`(
Lon = st_coordinates(stations)[, "X"],
Lat = st_coordinates(stations)[, "Y"]
# Covariates
covariates <- list(era=era, dem=dem)
obs.meta <- obs.gis[StationNbr %in% names(obs.ts), .(StationNbr, Lon, Lat)]
# RFmerge
mc.cores <- parallel::detectCores()-2
rfmep <- RFmerge(
x = obs.ts,
metadata = obs.meta,
cov = covariates,
id="StationNbr", lat="Lat", lon="Lon", ED=TRUE,
mask=zoi, training=0.9, write2disk=TRUE, drty.out="./out/2017_RFmerge_proj",
parallel="parallel", par.nnodes=mc.cores)
names(rfmep)[c(1:2, nlayers(rfmep))]
# [1] "X2017." "X2017." "X2017."
Extract recalibrated time-series across almond production sites.
# Extract recalibrated time-series across production sites
dt.imp <- extract(rfmep, pts)
dt.imp =, keep.rownames=TRUE)
dt.imp[, loc_id := pts$loc_id]
dt.imp = melt(dt.imp, id.vars="loc_id","time","value", variable.factor=F)
dt.imp[, time := as.POSIXct(time, format="X%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%OS", tz="America/Los_Angeles")]
dt.imp[, range(time)]
dt.imp[, `:=`(
# Convert to IDate
date = as.IDate(time),
time = as.ITime(time)
# Re-extract ERA5-LAND over period to double-check
r <- brick(f[1], quick=T)
pts <- spTransform(pts, crs(r))
dt.era <- lapply(f, function(x) {
r = brick(x, quick=T)
y = extract(r, pts)
y =, keep.rownames=TRUE)
y[, loc_id := pts$loc_id]
y = melt(y, id.vars="loc_id","time","value", variable.factor=F)
y[, time := as.POSIXct(time, format="X%Y.%m.%d.%H.%M.%OS", tz="UTC")]
dt.era <- rbindlist(dt.era)
dt.era[, range(time)]
dt.era[, `:=`(
# Convert to IDate
date = as.IDate(time),
time = as.ITime(time)
# Impute ERA5 hourly time-series with output of RFmerge
dt <- readRDS(file.path(dir, "./tmp/2020-tmean-hourly_olam_ca_almd.rds"))
dt.imp[dt, on=.(loc_id, date, time), era := i.value
][dt.era, on=.(loc_id, date, time), era_valid := i.value]
# Save
dt <- dt[!dt.imp, on=.(loc_id, date, time)]
dt <- rbind(dt, dt.imp[, .SD, .SDcols=names(dt)])
setorder(dt, loc_id, date, time)
saveRDS(dt, file.path(dir, "./tmp/2020-tmean-hourly_olam_ca_almd_imputed.rds"))
rm(x, i, j, t, tmp, dem1, dem2, dem3, dem4, n, x1, x2, dt, dtc)
save.image(file.path(dir, "./tmp/2020-burn_olam_usa_06.RData"))
Validate ZOI, DEM, and ERA5 covariates.
era <- brick("./out/ERA5_2m_temperature_2017.grd")
era <- raster(era, 1)
tm_shape(era) +
tm_raster(title="ERA5-LAND<br/>Temperature<br/>2020-02-01 00:00<br/>°C", alpha=.6) +
tm_shape(stations) + tm_dots("black", title="CIMIS WS") +
tm_shape(pts) + tm_dots("blue", title="OLAM Site") +
tm_shape(pts[pts$loc_id %in% c(25, 82, 83), ]) +
DEM at ERA5 extent and resolution.
pts <- spTransform(pts, CRS("+init=epsg:3310"))
plot(dem, main="SRTM 90m (meter)",
col=terrain.colors(80, alpha=1))
plot(zoi, add=T, lty=2, col=NA)
plot(pts, add=T, pch=16)
plot(stations, add=T, col=pal[c("red", "green")][1+(obs.gis$IsActive=="True")], pch="x")
legend("topright", legend=c("Active station", "Stale station", "Production site"),
col=pal[c("red", "green", "black")], pch=c("x", "x", "o"), cex=.8)
CIMIS station observations between Jan-Apr 2017.
obs[, .(
`Obs.` = comma(.N),
`NA` = percent(sum(,
`Min.` = min(Value, na.rm=T),
`Max.` = max(Value, na.rm=T),
`Date Range` = paste(range(Date, na.rm=T), collapse=" - ")
), keyby=.(StationNbr)] %>%
plot(obs.ts[,1], col=alpha(pal[1], .7),
main=paste("Station", names(obs.ts)[1]), xlab="Hourly Temp. °C", ylab=NA)
plot(obs.ts[,20], col=alpha(pal[1], .7),
main=paste("Station", names(obs.ts)[20]), xlab="Hourly Temp. °C", ylab=NA)
histogram(~Value|StationNbr, data=obs,
col=alpha(pal[1], .6), border=pal["black"],
layout=c(2,6), xlab="Jan-Apr 2017 Hourly Temp. °C")
plot(rfmep[[1]], main="RF-MEP Temperatures", xlab=names(rfmep)[1],
col=terrain.colors(80, alpha=1))
plot(pts, pch=16, col=pal["black"], add=T)
plot(stations[stations$StationNbr %in% names(obs.ts),], pch="x", col=pal["black"], add=T)
legend("topright", legend=c("Active station", "Production site"), pch=c("x", "o"), cex=.8)
plot(era[[1]], main="ERA5-LAND Temperatures", xlab=names(era)[1],
col=terrain.colors(80, alpha=1))
plot(pts, pch=16, col=pal["black"], add=T)
plot(stations[stations$StationNbr %in% names(obs.ts),], pch="x", col=pal["black"], add=T)
legend("topright", legend=c("Active station", "Production site"), pch=c("x", "o"), cex=.8)
Hourly time-series from CIMIS ground stations:
wireframe(Value~as.numeric(Date)*Time, data=obs,
xlab="Date", ylab="Hour", sub="CIMIS Stations - Hourly Temp. °C",
col=NA, col.regions=terrain.colors(100, alpha=.4), drape=T,
at=do.breaks(c(-5,35), 100)
Compared to hourly time-series at production sites from ERA5-LAND:
wireframe(era~as.numeric(date)*time, data=dt.imp,
xlab="Date", ylab="Hour", zlab="°C",
sub="Production Sites - Hourly Temp. °C (ERA5-LAND)",
col=NA, col.regions=terrain.colors(100, alpha=.4), drape=T,
at=do.breaks(c(-5,30), 100)
Mean recalibration effect across production sites (after RFmerge):
wireframe((value-era)~as.numeric(date)*time, data=dt.imp,
xlab="Date", ylab="Hour", zlab="°C",
sub="ERA5-LAND Mean Recalibration Effect\nacross Production Sites\nHourly Temp. °C",
col=NA, col.regions=terrain.colors(100, alpha=.4), drape=T
FDD index across sites between Feb-01 and Mar-31, 2017 (before and after ground calibration):
dt.imp[date %between% c("2017-02-01", "2017-03-31"), .(
era = min(era, na.rm=T),
era_valid = min(era_valid, na.rm=T),
value = min(value, na.rm=T)
), by=.(loc_id, date)][, .(
`FDD (before)` = sum(fifelse(era<0, pmax(era, -4, na.rm=T), 0), na.rm=T),
`FDD (validate)` = sum(fifelse(era_valid<0, pmax(era_valid, -4, na.rm=T), 0), na.rm=T),
`FDD (after)` = sum(fifelse(value<0, pmax(value, -4, na.rm=T), 0), na.rm=T)
), keyby=.(loc_id)]%>%
See Baez-Villanueva, O. M., Zambrano-Bigiarini, M., Diego, J., Osorio, G.-, & Mcnamara, I. (2020). Tutorial for merging satellite-based precipitation datasets with ground observations using RFmerge.↩︎
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
Melanie (2021, Jan. 16). Mel's Labs: Merge Ground and Satellite Observations with RFMerge. Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{melanie2021merge, author = {Melanie, BACOU,}, title = {Mel's Labs: Merge Ground and Satellite Observations with RFMerge}, url = {}, year = {2021} }