Part 4: how to represent water flux over 3D maps of river basins using
Testing additional 3D mapping libraries to render river basin topography.
if(interactive()) setwd("_posts/2021-11-01-deckgl/")
opts_chunk$set(res=220, pointsize=8)
# Default color palette
pal <- readRDS("../../_assets/pal_iwmi.rds")
par(font.main=1, cex.axis=.8)
# Load layers from Part 3
adm.pts <- st_centroid(adm)
adm[, "color"] <- colour_ramp(
unname(pal[1:3]))(seq(0, 1, length=nrow(adm)))
ext <- st_bbox(adm)
This implementation is derived from terrain demo.
Load terrain and satellite tilesets using R package deckgl
mb_token = Sys.getenv("MAPBOX_TOKEN")
mapbox_api = "{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=%s"
terrain_img = "terrain-rgb"
surface_img = "satellite"
elev_map = list(
rScaler = 6553.6,
gScaler = 25.6,
bScaler = 0.1,
offset = -10000
props_basemap = list(
minZoom = 0,
maxZoom = 23,
strategy = "no-overlap",
elevationDecoder = elev_map,
elevationData = sprintf(mapbox_api, terrain_img, mb_token),
texture = sprintf(mapbox_api, surface_img, mb_token),
wireframe = FALSE,
color = c(255, 255, 255)
props_admin = list(
getPolygon = JS("d => d.geometry.coordinates"),
getElevation = ~ADM2_CODE/10,
extruded = TRUE,
pickable = TRUE,
stroked = TRUE,
filled = TRUE,
wireframe = FALSE,
lineWidthMinPixels = 2,
getLineWidth = 2,
getLineColor = pal[["light"]],
getFillColor = ~alpha(color, .4),
lineJointRounded = TRUE,
material = list(ambient=0.35, diffuse=0.7, shininess=32),
tooltip = "Region: {{ADM1_NAME}}<br/>District: {{ADM2_NAME}}"
props_text = list(
pickable = FALSE,
getPosition = JS("d => d.geometry.coordinates"),
getText = ~ADM2_NAME,
getColor = pal[["black"]],
sizeMinPixels = 11,
sizeMaxPixels = 18,
getAngle = 0,
background = TRUE,
backgroundPadding = c(2, 2),
getBackgroundColor = pal[["light"]]
element_id = "map",
width = "100%",
height = "360px",
longitude = -8,
latitude = 11,
zoom = 5,
bearing = 0,
pitch = 40,
maxPitch = 180,
) %>%
add_layer("TerrainLayer", properties=props_basemap) %>%
add_polygon_layer(data=adm, properties=props_admin) %>%
add_text_layer(data=adm.pts, properties=props_text)
Use Shift + Click to tilt the view angle.
Using Mapbox experimental vector tiles below.
props_admin = list(
getPolygon = JS("d => d.geometry.coordinates"),
getElevation = ~ADM2_CODE/10,
extruded = FALSE,
pickable = TRUE,
stroked = TRUE,
filled = TRUE,
wireframe = FALSE,
lineWidthMinPixels = 1,
getLineWidth = 1,
getLineColor = pal[["orange"]],
getFillColor = alpha(pal[["orange"]], .4),
lineJointRounded = TRUE,
material = list(ambient=0.35, diffuse=0.7, shininess=32),
tooltip = "Region: {{ADM1_NAME}}<br/>District: {{ADM2_NAME}}"
props_water = list(
pickable = FALSE,
getPath = JS("d => d.geometry.coordinates"),
getWidth = ~rescale(Class_hydr, to=c(2,8)),
getColor = alpha(pal[["blue"]], .8),
widthMinPixels = 2,
widthMaxPixels = 8,
capRounded = TRUE,
jointRounded = TRUE,
`_pathType` = "open"
element_id = "map2",
width = "100%",
height = "360px",
longitude = -8,
latitude = 11,
zoom = 5,
bearing = 0,
pitch = 0,
maxPitch = 180,
) %>%
add_basemap("") %>%
add_polygon_layer(data=adm, properties=props_admin) %>%
add_path_layer(data=gloric, properties=props_water)
Use Shift + Click to tilt the view angle.
If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.
Text and figures are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.0. Source code is available at, unless otherwise noted. The figures that have been reused from other sources don't fall under this license and can be recognized by a note in their caption: "Figure from ...".
For attribution, please cite this work as
BACOU (2021, Nov. 7). Mel's Labs: Visualizing Water: 3D Rendering of River Basins (draft). Retrieved from
BibTeX citation
@misc{bacou2021visualizing, author = {BACOU, Melanie}, title = {Mel's Labs: Visualizing Water: 3D Rendering of River Basins (draft)}, url = {}, year = {2021} }