R/Shiny Applications

Simulating Historical Claim Costs
Model Interface

Real-time pricing of weather-index insurance

This tool supports WorldCover agricultural insurance operations.

How to cite

R/Shiny, bs4Dash, fresh, shinyWidgets, data.table, leaflet, highcharter

Insurance Premium Collection
BI Dashboard

Real-time tracking of insurance receipts and payouts.

This tool supports WorldCover agricultural insurance operations.

How to cite

R/Shiny, shinydashboardPlus, shinyWidgets, data.table, leaflet, highcharter

Tracking Insurance Servicing
BI Dashboard

Internal BI dashboard

This tool supports WorldCover parametric insurance operations.

How to cite

R/Shiny, shinydashboardPlus, shinyWidgets, data.table, leaflet, highcharter

Long-Term Rainfall Time-Series for Africa
Model Interface

RFE v2.0 and CHIRPSv2 long-term (20-year) precipitation time-series for Africa.


Summarized drought indices and daily rainfall at any point location over Africa. This tool is to support WorldCover parametric insurance operations.

How to cite
Refer to application’s About tab.

R/Shiny, flexdashboard, data.table, mapview, highcharter

Coastal and Hinterland Population Hotspots in sub-Saharan AfricaModel Interface

Population Hotspots in Africa South of the Sahara


Interactive map and graphs showing Africa’s urban areas over 50,000 inhabitants (2015). Bubble sizes represent relative city sizes, and the color intensity is proportional to the projected 2000-2020 population gain (or loss) based on estimates from CIESIN SEDAC Global Population of the World (GPWv4). Country totals are calibrated to UN population projections. This tool explores the differential urban growth rates between coastal and hinterland areas.

How to cite
HarvestChoice, 2016. “Coastal and Hinterland Population Hostspots in Africa South of the Sahara 2000-2020” International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. On-line at http://tools.harvestchoice.org/popTrends.

R/Shiny, ggvis, leaflet

Comparing Travel Times across sub-Saharan AfricaModel Interface

Comparing Travel Times Tools, sub-Saharan Africa


This tool provides simplified access to Google, HERE, and OSRM (OpenStreetMap) distance and routing APIs to compare travel time estimates over sub-Saharan Africa.

How to cite
HarvestChoice, 2016. “Comparison of Travel Time Estimates across Africa South of the Sahara 2000-2020” International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. On-line at http://tools.harvestchoice.org/traveltime.

R/Shiny, ggvis, leaflet

Tableau® Dashboards

Regional Agricultural Snapshots for Africa

IFPRI/HarvestChoice Regional Agricultural Snapshots


Report the status of agricultural macro indicators across Africa’s geographic regions and economic zones.

Tableau®, R

Standardized Farm Characteristics, Ghana 2005

Standardized Farm Characteristics, Ghana 2005


A collection of farm and household characteristics extracted from the 2005 Ghana Living Standard Survey (GLSS-5).

Tableau®, R

Country Agricultural Dashboards for Africa

IFPRI/HarvestChoice Country Agricultutal Dashboards


IFPRI/HarvestChoice country dashboards provide a one-page view of national time-series and sub-national statistics for 52 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.Statistics are aggregated across geographic domains, including administrative units, agro-ecological zones, farming systems, time-to-market zones, and low to high population density areas.

Tableau®, R

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# R/Shiny Applications {.storyboard}

### Simulating Historical Claim Costs
Model Interface ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-merlin.png") ``` *** Real-time pricing of weather-index insurance This tool supports WorldCover agricultural insurance operations. How to cite Confidential. Tools R/Shiny, bs4Dash, fresh, shinyWidgets, data.table, leaflet, highcharter ### Insurance Premium Collection
BI Dashboard ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-sales.png") ``` *** Real-time tracking of insurance receipts and payouts. This tool supports WorldCover agricultural insurance operations. How to cite Confidential. Tools R/Shiny, shinydashboardPlus, shinyWidgets, data.table, leaflet, highcharter ### Tracking Insurance Servicing
BI Dashboard ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-servicing.png") ``` *** Internal BI dashboard This tool supports WorldCover parametric insurance operations. How to cite Confidential. Tools R/Shiny, shinydashboardPlus, shinyWidgets, data.table, leaflet, highcharter ### Long-Term Rainfall Time-Series for Africa
Model Interface ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-bioclimatic.png") ``` *** RFE v2.0 and CHIRPSv2 long-term (20-year) precipitation time-series for Africa. https://labs.worldcovr.com/pub/bio-data/ Summarized drought indices and daily rainfall at any point location over Africa. This tool is to support [WorldCover](https://worldcovr.com/) parametric insurance operations. How to cite Refer to application's About tab. Tools R/Shiny, flexdashboard, data.table, mapview, highcharter ### Long-Term Climatic Trends for sub-Saharan Africa
Model Interface ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-climate.png") ``` *** Long-term Climatic Trends http://tools.harvestchoice.org/rainfall This interactive tool renders long-term monthly precipitation, near-surface temperature, and Palmer Drought Severity Index time series for sub-Saharan Africa. Gridded estimates are summarized across districts (level-2 administrative units) based on FAO GAUL 2008 boundaries for the period of 1960-2013. District-level means, seasonality-adjusted means (trend), and standard deviations are provided. All data may be downloaded in CSV or STATA formats. The 1960-2013 spatial rasters for each country may also be saved to GeoTIFF, ASCII Raster, and netCDF formats for use in a desktop GIS. How to cite HarvestChoice, 2014. *"Long-Term Climate Trends for sub-Saharan Africa."* International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. Available online at http://harvestchoice.org/node/9711. Tools R/Shiny, ggvis, leaflet, hansontable JS ### Sub-national Poverty and Inequalities Trends for sub-Saharan Africa
Model Interface ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-poverty.png") ``` *** Sub-national Poverty and Inequalities Trends http://tools.harvestchoice.org/subnatpov An R/Shiny interactive visual that provides circa-2005 sub-national expenditure, poverty and inequality estimates across 60 countries in Africa South of the Sahara. Estimates are further broken out across gender and urban/rural residences. How to cite HarvestChoice, 2015. *"Poverty Headcount Ratio at below PPP $1.25/day and $2/day, circa 2008 (vector format, r.1.1)."* International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. On-line at http://tools.harvestchoice.org/subnatpov. Tools R/Shiny, ggvis, leaflet, hansontable JS ### Coastal and Hinterland Population Hotspots in sub-Saharan AfricaModel Interface ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-population.png") ``` *** Population Hotspots in Africa South of the Sahara http://tools.harvestchoice.org/popTrends Interactive map and graphs showing Africa's urban areas over 50,000 inhabitants (2015). Bubble sizes represent relative city sizes, and the color intensity is proportional to the projected 2000-2020 population gain (or loss) based on estimates from CIESIN SEDAC Global Population of the World (GPWv4). Country totals are calibrated to UN population projections. This tool explores the differential urban growth rates between coastal and hinterland areas. How to cite HarvestChoice, 2016. *"Coastal and Hinterland Population Hostspots in Africa South of the Sahara 2000-2020"* International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. On-line at http://tools.harvestchoice.org/popTrends. Tools R/Shiny, ggvis, leaflet ### Comparing Travel Times across sub-Saharan AfricaModel Interface ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-shiny-traveltimes.png") ``` *** Comparing Travel Times Tools, sub-Saharan Africa http://tools.harvestchoice.org/traveltime/ This tool provides simplified access to Google, HERE, and OSRM (OpenStreetMap) distance and routing APIs to compare travel time estimates over sub-Saharan Africa. How to cite HarvestChoice, 2016. *"Comparison of Travel Time Estimates across Africa South of the Sahara 2000-2020"* International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington, DC., and University of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN. On-line at http://tools.harvestchoice.org/traveltime. Tools R/Shiny, ggvis, leaflet # Tableau® Dashboards {.storyboard} ### Regional Agricultural Snapshots for Africa ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-tableau-crdash.png") ``` *** IFPRI/HarvestChoice Regional Agricultural Snapshots https://public.tableau.com/profile/mel.b.#!/vizhome/crDash/Overview Report the status of agricultural macro indicators across Africa's geographic regions and economic zones. Tools Tableau®, R ### Standardized Farm Characteristics, Ghana 2005 ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-tableau-ghana.png") ``` *** Standardized Farm Characteristics, Ghana 2005 https://public.tableau.com/profile/mel.b.#!/vizhome/GHA-GLSS5/Overview A collection of farm and household characteristics extracted from the 2005 Ghana Living Standard Survey (GLSS-5). Tools Tableau®, R ### Country Agricultural Dashboards for Africa ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-tableau-ccdash.png") ``` *** IFPRI/HarvestChoice Country Agricultutal Dashboards https://public.tableau.com/profile/mel.b.#!/vizhome/HCIICharts/CountryDashboard IFPRI/HarvestChoice country dashboards provide a one-page view of national time-series and sub-national statistics for 52 countries in sub-Saharan Africa.Statistics are aggregated across geographic domains, including administrative units, agro-ecological zones, farming systems, time-to-market zones, and low to high population density areas. Tools Tableau®, R # Print Production {.storyboard} ### HarvestChoice Gridded Database of Indicators for Africa South of the Sahara (recto-verso flyer) ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-print-cell5m.png") ``` *** HarvestChoice Gridded Database of Indicators for Africa South of the Sahara US-letter flyer provides an overview of a large collection of spatially explicit indicators. Tools R, ggplot2, Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape ### IFPRI Spatial Production Allocation Model (recto-verso flyer) ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-print-spam.png") ``` *** IFPRI Spatial Production Allocation Model (flyer) US-letter flyer. Tools Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, PowerPoint ### Agricultural & Nutrition Technology Ontology (recto-verso flyer) ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-print-hcant.png") ``` *** Agricultural & Nutrition Technology Ontology US-letter flyer. Tools Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, PowerPoint ### IFPRI Open Data Show Case (conference poster) ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-print-ic3food.png") ``` *** IFPRI Open Data Show Case Agricultural & Nutrition Technology Ontology A3 poster. Tools Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, PowerPoint ### IFPRI Spatial Production Allocation Model (conference poster) ```{r} include_graphics("../assets/mbacou-print-spam-poster.png") ``` *** IFPRI Spatial Production Allocation Model (poster) A3 poster. Tools Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape