

  • 1 Int’l $ = 5.59 ZMW (Kwacha) using 2020 World Bank PPP conversion rates (1 Int’l $ = 1 USD)
  • Focus crops = soybean, maize, cowpea, bean
  • All costs are reported per hectare. Inspection, certification and other marketing costs are assumed for the entire farm. Labeling and packaging are per kg.
  • Some farmers grow multiple crops

Survey Recodes

xrate <- 5.59

# Load respondent data
hh <- fread("../data/zmb/hh.csv")
group <- fread("../data/zmb/group.csv")

There are 23 variables and 76 observations in this set. A summary is shown below.

print(dfSummary(hh), max.tbl.height=500)
Variable Stats / Values Freqs (% of Valid) Valid Missing
10. FARMER27
[ 42 others ]
5 ( 6.6%)
3 ( 3.9%)
3 ( 3.9%)
3 ( 3.9%)
2 ( 2.6%)
2 ( 2.6%)
2 ( 2.6%)
2 ( 2.6%)
2 ( 2.6%)
2 ( 2.6%)
50 (65.8%)
1. Chongwe District
2. Mumbwa District
3. Rufunsa District
37 (48.7%)
24 (31.6%)
15 (19.7%)
1. Chiyota Seed Growers Asso
2. Mumbwa Seed Growers Assoc
3. Mweete Seed Growers Assoc
4. Tiwine Womens Seed grower
15 (19.7%)
24 (31.6%)
14 (18.4%)
23 (30.3%)
1. 15-29
2. 30+
5 ( 6.6%)
71 (93.4%)
1. female
2. male
33 (43.4%)
43 (56.6%)
1. bean
2. cowpea
3. groundnut
4. maize
5. soybean
8 (10.5%)
21 (27.6%)
12 (15.8%)
18 (23.7%)
17 (22.4%)
Cost seed per ha (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 237.4 (359.2)
min < med < max:
0 < 175 < 1800
IQR (CV) : 253.5 (1.5)
32 distinct values 76
Cost of fertilizer per ha (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 586.9 (1069)
min < med < max:
0 < 225 < 7200
IQR (CV) : 652.5 (1.8)
31 distinct values 76
Cost of pesticide per ha (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 205.4 (368.6)
min < med < max:
0 < 63.5 < 2020
IQR (CV) : 300 (1.8)
31 distinct values 76
Cost of transport per ha (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 103.6 (244.2)
min < med < max:
0 < 10 < 1640
IQR (CV) : 100 (2.4)
23 distinct values 76
Labor cost (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 305.6 (476.3)
min < med < max:
0 < 100 < 2000
IQR (CV) : 385 (1.6)
24 distinct values 76
Inspection / certification Fees (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 2.1 (17.2)
min < med < max:
0 < 0 < 150
IQR (CV) : 0 (8.2)
0 : 74 (97.4%)
10 : 1 ( 1.3%)
150 : 1 ( 1.3%)
Labelling costs per kg (LCU)
Min : 0
Mean : 0
Max : 0.1
0.00 : 75 (98.7%)
0.14 : 1 ( 1.3%)
Packaging costs per kg (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 0.1 (0.2)
min < med < max:
0 < 0 < 1.4
IQR (CV) : 0 (2.8)
11 distinct values 76
Other marketing costs? (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 7.4 (34.3)
min < med < max:
0 < 0 < 250
IQR (CV) : 0 (4.7)
0 : 68 (89.5%)
10 : 3 ( 3.9%)
20 : 1 ( 1.3%)
40 : 1 ( 1.3%)
70 : 1 ( 1.3%)
150 : 1 ( 1.3%)
250 : 1 ( 1.3%)
Estimated Yield (kg/ha)
Mean (sd) : 946.4 (1269.3)
min < med < max:
0 < 500 < 9600
IQR (CV) : 962.5 (1.3)
43 distinct values 76
Selling price of seed per kg (LCU)
Mean (sd) : 13.5 (40.4)
min < med < max:
0 < 7.5 < 300
IQR (CV) : 4 (3)
22 distinct values 75
Selling price of grain per kg (LCU) at sowing
Mean (sd) : 4.1 (5.2)
min < med < max:
0 < 3 < 30
IQR (CV) : 7 (1.3)
21 distinct values 75
Selling price of grain per kg (LCU) at harvest
Mean (sd) : 2.8 (3.5)
min < med < max:
0 < 1.8 < 16
IQR (CV) : 4 (1.3)
20 distinct values 74
How many kg were sold in the season?
Mean (sd) : 771.2 (1246.9)
min < med < max:
0 < 375 < 9000
IQR (CV) : 762.5 (1.6)
29 distinct values 76
What was your expected gross margin?
Mean (sd) : 5649.4 (9791.9)
min < med < max:
0 < 2870 < 72000
IQR (CV) : 4200 (1.7)
52 distinct values 76
Gross Revenue
Mean (sd) : 5649.4 (9791.9)
min < med < max:
0 < 2870 < 72000
IQR (CV) : 4200 (1.7)
52 distinct values 76
How long have you been a member of this group?
Mean (sd) : 5.5 (4.6)
min < med < max:
0 < 5 < 16
IQR (CV) : 7 (0.8)
15 distinct values 76

Recode variable names (see codebook).

setnames(hh, lbl$label, lbl$code, skip_absent=T)

Additional recodes for categorical variables.

setorder(hh, adm1_nm, group, gender, crop)

hh[, `:=`(
  hhid = paste("ZMB", gsub(" ", "0", format(1:.N, width=3)), sep=""),
  iso3 = "ZMB",
  crop = factor(crop),
  adm1_nm = factor(adm1_nm),
  # Abbreviate seed club names
  group = factor(group, levels=c(
    "Mweete Seed Growers Association",
    "Tiwine Womens Seed growers Cooperative",
    "Mumbwa Seed Growers Association",
    "Chiyota Seed Growers Association"
  ), labels=c(
  gender = factor(gender, levels=c("male", "female"), labels=c("Male", "Female")),
  age = factor(age, levels=c("25", "15-29", "30+"), labels=c("< 30", "< 30", "≥ 30")),
  years = factor(member_years >= 5, levels=c(F, T), labels=c("< 5", "≥ 5"))

Constructed Variables

Farmers report both expected yields yield_ha_kg and sales in the last season sales_ha_kg, so we can construct both expected and realized costs in monetary terms costs_exp_ha_lcu and costs_real_ha_lcu. We use realized yields to calculate profitability metrics.

Note that 1 farmer did not report a sales price, so we use the reported median.

kbl(caption="Missing sales entry",
    .(hhid, code, group, crop, yield_ha_kg, sales_ha_kg, sales_kg_lcu)])
Tab. 7: Missing sales entry
hhid code group crop yield_ha_kg sales_ha_kg sales_kg_lcu
ZMB023 FARMER27 Tiwine maize 2500 0
  tran_ha_lcu := as.numeric(tran_ha_lcu)
][, `:=`(
  tran_ha_lcu = fifelse(, 0, tran_ha_lcu),
  sales_kg_lcu = fifelse(, median(sales_kg_lcu, na.rm=T), sales_kg_lcu)
), by=.(group, crop)][, `:=`(
  # Expected costs
  costs_exp_ha_lcu = 
    # Per ha costs
    seed_ha_lcu + fert_ha_lcu + pest_ha_lcu + tran_ha_lcu + labor_ha_lcu + 
    cert_lcu + mark_kg_lcu +
    # Per kg costs
    yield_ha_kg * (labl_kg_lcu + pckg_kg_lcu),  
  # Realized costs
  costs_real_ha_lcu = 
    # Per ha costs
    seed_ha_lcu + fert_ha_lcu + pest_ha_lcu + tran_ha_lcu + labor_ha_lcu + 
    cert_lcu + mark_kg_lcu +
    # Per kg costs
    sales_ha_kg * (labl_kg_lcu + pckg_kg_lcu)

hh[, summary(costs_exp_ha_lcu)]
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    20.0   498.1   993.2  1524.9  1861.2 10240.0
hh[, summary(costs_real_ha_lcu)]
##    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu.    Max. 
##    10.0   497.5   973.2  1505.8  1853.8  9760.0

Using realized costs and sales, we construct gross margin per ha margin_ha_lcu, total sales sales_ha_sh and profit margin margin_ha_sh per unit of (variable) input costs, and costs_ha_ppp, sales_ha_ppp and margin_ha_ppp in PPP terms to allow for comparisons across groups and countries.

We also construct a measure of total factor productivity tfp as expected output per unit of (expected) input costs. Strictly speaking it is only “partial factor productivity” here because we don’t include the rental cost of land, land preparation costs, irrigation costs, and the costs of animal and mechanical implements.

hh[, `:=`(
  sales_exp_ha_lcu = yield_ha_kg * sales_kg_lcu,
  sales_real_ha_lcu = sales_ha_kg * sales_kg_lcu
)][, `:=`(
  margin_ha_lcu = sales_real_ha_lcu - costs_real_ha_lcu
)][, `:=`(
  sales_ha_sh = sales_real_ha_lcu / costs_real_ha_lcu,
  margin_ha_sh = margin_ha_lcu / costs_real_ha_lcu,
  costs_ha_ppp = costs_real_ha_lcu / xrate,
  sales_ha_ppp = sales_real_ha_lcu / xrate,
  margin_ha_ppp = margin_ha_lcu / xrate
)][, `:=`(
  tfp = yield_ha_kg / (costs_exp_ha_lcu / xrate)

Below we append some of the information that was recorded at the group level.

kbl(group, align="llc")
Group Market access Soil Irrigation Seasons Transboundary trade Members Established
Tiwine Womens Seed growers Cooperative Close to market with good road network good No 1 No 50 2014
Chiyota Seed Growers Association Road is very bad. Far from markets as they take the produce to Lusaka good No 1 Yes 25 2013
Mumbwa Seed Growers Association The purchasing seed companies (Afriseed and Kamano seed company) collect on site loamy No 1 No 31 2001
Mweete Seed Growers Association They only sale to the seed company that supports them sandy No 1 No 21 2019
Kamimpampa Cooperative Good road network and supplies Afriseed company sandy No 1 No 70 2016
# Same recodes in the group-level dataset
group[, Group := factor(Group, levels=c(
  "Mweete Seed Growers Association",
  "Tiwine Womens Seed growers Cooperative",
  "Mumbwa Seed Growers Association",
  "Chiyota Seed Growers Association",
  "Kamimpampa Cooperative"
), labels=c(

# Merge
hh[group, on=.(group=Group), `:=`(
  group_year = `Established`,
  group_size = `Members`,
  seasons = `Seasons`,
  irrigated = `Irrigation`,
  market_access = `Market access`,
  ttrade = `Transboundary trade`

Finally we normalize all farmer cost line items into a “long” table hh_prod_cost for charting.

# Normalize production cost table per ha
hh_prod_cost <- hh[, .(hhid,
  Seeds = seed_ha_lcu, 
  Fertilizer = fert_ha_lcu, 
  Pesticides = pest_ha_lcu, 
  Labor = labor_ha_lcu, 
  Transport = tran_ha_lcu, 
  Certification = cert_lcu,
  Labeling = sales_ha_kg * labl_kg_lcu,
  Packaging = sales_ha_kg * pckg_kg_lcu,
  Marketing = mark_kg_lcu

hh_prod_cost <- melt(hh_prod_cost, id.vars=1,"lcu","type")

And we lump all marketing costs into a single category.

levels(hh_prod_cost$type) <- levels(hh_prod_cost$type)[c(1,2,3,4,9,9,9,9,9)]

hh_prod_cost <- hh_prod_cost[, .(
  lcu = sum(lcu, na.rm=T)
), by=.(hhid, type)
][, `:=`(
  # Add cost shares and PPP terms
  share = lcu/sum(lcu, na.rm=T),
  ppp = lcu/xrate
), by=.(hhid)
][hh, on=.(hhid), `:=`(
  # Add classes
  group = group,
  gender = gender,
  age = age,
  years = years,
  crop = crop

Descriptive Statistics

Respondent Characteristics

Breakdown by categorical variables.

  hh[, .N, by=.(group, age, gender, crop, years)],
  aes(axis1=crop, axis2=gender, axis3=age, axis4=years, y=N)) +
  geom_alluvium(aes(fill=group), width=1/4, alpha=.7, color="white") +
  geom_stratum(width=1/4) +
  geom_text(stat="stratum", aes(label=after_stat(stratum)), angle=90, size=2.2) +
  scale_x_discrete(limits=c("Crop", "Gender", "Age", "Years in Seed Club")) +
  labs(y=NULL, fill="Seed Club",
    title = "Categories of Survey Respondents - Zambia",
    subtitle = "Stratified by seed club") +

Showing contingency table between each pair of categorical variables (seed club group, gender, age age, and years in seed club years).

ttt_ftable(hh, vars=c("group", "gender", "years"))
Contingency Table (% of respondents)
group gender < 5 ≥ 5 Sum

N = 76 | Mantel-Haenszel chi-squared = 4.79 | p-value = 0.1882

Mweete Male 13.2 0 13.2
Female 5.3 0 5.3
Sum 18.4 0 18.4
Tiwine Male 3.9 10.5 14.5
Female 0 15.8 15.8
Sum 3.9 26.3 30.3
Mumbwa Male 10.5 3.9 14.5
Female 7.9 9.2 17.1
Sum 18.4 13.2 31.6
Chiyota Male 3.9 10.5 14.5
Female 1.3 3.9 5.3
Sum 5.3 14.5 19.7
Sum Male 31.6 25 56.6
Female 14.5 28.9 43.4
Sum 46.1 53.9 100

Seed Production Costs

General breakdown and distribution of input costs across seed clubs, gender, years in seed club, and input type.

ttt(costs_ha_ppp ~ group | gender+years, data=hh, render=fmt,
  caption="Total Input Costs in Absolute Terms (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia")
Total Input Costs in Absolute Terms (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia
group Statistic < 5 ≥ 5
Male Female Male Female
Mweete mean 389 152 NA NA
median 296 152 NA NA
sd 272 49 NA NA
Tiwine mean 164 NA 164 350
median 136 NA 127 123
sd 77 NA 73 518
Mumbwa mean 62 217 674 326
median 52 172 708 243
sd 31 169 227 222
Chiyota mean 263 189 259 273
median 270 189 226 174
sd 225 NA 205 274

Boxplots with mean comparison p-value and significance levels. When more than two levels, each level is compared to the group mean.

(ns : p > 0.05, * : p ≤ 0.05, ** : p ≤ 0.01, *** = p ≤ 0.001, **** = p ≤ 0.0001)

Note that 1 farmers have total input costs above PPP$ 800/ha.

outlier <- hh[costs_ha_ppp > 1000, hhid]

  hh[hhid %in% outlier, .(hhid, code, group, crop, costs_ha_ppp)],
  format.args=list(big.mark=",", digits=0))
Tab. 8: Outliers
hhid code group crop costs_ha_ppp
ZMB021 FARMER16 Tiwine maize 1,746
ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, costs_ha_ppp, color=gender, fill=gender), 
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=gender)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Total Input Costs (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and gender") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, costs_ha_ppp, color=group, fill=group),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=group)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + 
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Total Input Costs (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop") +

Breakdown across categories of farm input.

ttt(ppp ~ type | gender+crop, data=hh_prod_cost, render=fmt,
  caption="Input Costs in Absolute Terms by Gender (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia")
Input Costs in Absolute Terms by Gender (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia
type Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Seeds mean 65 52 35 36 35 36 26 24 63 74
median 54 0 35 38 18 0 14 18 14 0
sd 49 77 8 10 43 88 33 28 104 128
Fertilizer mean 0 42 74 66 24 0 194 353 48 126
median 0 45 35 54 0 0 141 209 1 111
sd 0 41 98 73 58 0 195 421 78 149
Pesticides mean 9 13 69 28 2 11 30 33 57 46
median 11 9 64 36 0 0 0 30 22 8
sd 8 19 70 25 5 26 84 29 110 79
Labor mean 18 22 54 3 27 24 44 79 89 135
median 0 31 18 0 0 9 0 36 64 54
sd 31 21 77 7 50 31 67 122 97 138
Marketing mean 22 17 60 10 15 53 15 22 36 24
median 29 12 3 4 12 2 13 21 8 18
sd 20 13 139 14 15 123 12 21 54 29
tbl <- hh_prod_cost[, .(
  ppp = mean(ppp, na.rm=T)
), keyby=.(gender, crop, type)]

ggplot(tbl, aes(gender, ppp, fill=type)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="fill", alpha=.7, width=.6, color="white") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  facet_wrap(~crop, nrow=1) +
  labs(y="", x="", fill="",
    title="Breakdown of Input Costs by Category - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and gender") +

ttt(ppp ~ type | years+crop, data=hh_prod_cost, render=fmt,
  caption="Input Costs in Absolute Terms by Years in Seed Group (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia")
Input Costs in Absolute Terms by Years in Seed Group (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia
type Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
< 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5
Seeds mean 57 57 36 18 36 35 48 21 79 61
median 54 0 36 18 36 0 36 0 14 0
sd 48 99 8 NA NA 69 21 30 119 112
Fertilizer mean 18 40 75 0 0 13 233 271 24 110
median 0 45 55 0 0 0 179 179 0 89
sd 40 38 89 NA NA 43 176 341 58 130
Pesticides mean 7 18 58 0 11 6 5 37 45 56
median 9 9 54 0 11 0 0 0 16 27
sd 7 24 62 NA NA 19 8 69 84 106
Labor mean 18 25 39 0 0 28 1 71 34 149
median 0 31 0 0 0 0 0 36 28 179
sd 25 23 68 NA NA 41 2 99 35 122
Marketing mean 22 13 45 8 0 37 13 19 8 44
median 29 9 3 8 0 5 19 14 5 29
sd 16 13 117 NA NA 89 10 17 8 51
tbl <- hh_prod_cost[, .(
  ppp = mean(ppp, na.rm=T)
), keyby=.(years, crop, type)]

ggplot(tbl, aes(years, ppp, fill=type)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="fill", alpha=.7, width=.6, color="white") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  facet_wrap(~crop, nrow=1) +
  labs(y="", x="",
    title="Breakdown of Input Costs by Category - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and years in seed club") +

ttt(ppp ~ type | group+crop, data=hh_prod_cost, render=fmt,
  caption="Input Costs in Absolute Terms by Seed Group (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia")
Input Costs in Absolute Terms by Seed Group (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia
type Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
Tiwine Mumbwa Mweete Mumbwa Tiwine Mumbwa Chiyota Tiwine Mumbwa Chiyota Tiwine Mumbwa Chiyota
Seeds mean 18 81 38 30 14 36 72 4 46 27 27 149 56
median 0 89 38 31 0 36 36 0 36 18 0 140 0
sd 31 70 7 8 38 NA 101 11 29 34 66 131 120
Fertilizer mean 40 18 88 39 20 0 0 316 278 152 86 101 62
median 45 0 69 0 0 0 0 104 238 89 18 81 89
sd 38 40 91 79 54 NA 0 456 206 203 169 121 60
Pesticides mean 15 9 77 13 0 11 16 21 60 0 22 155 20
median 0 9 64 0 0 11 0 0 17 0 13 121 8
sd 26 6 65 19 0 NA 32 29 95 0 28 165 32
Labor mean 33 13 55 0 31 0 22 100 20 58 165 28 106
median 45 0 27 0 0 0 18 54 4 27 145 27 45
sd 29 18 76 0 49 NA 27 131 27 84 131 32 111
Marketing mean 21 17 64 3 7 0 90 23 16 13 11 26 51
median 27 12 23 3 2 0 25 21 6 14 8 10 29
sd 11 18 138 3 8 NA 144 17 19 8 11 39 59
tbl <- hh_prod_cost[, .(
  ppp = mean(ppp, na.rm=T)
), keyby=.(group, crop, type)]

ggplot(tbl, aes(group, ppp, fill=type)) +
  geom_bar(stat="identity", position="fill", alpha=.7, width=.6, color="white") +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  facet_wrap(~crop, scales="free_x", nrow=1) +
  labs(y="", x="",
    title="Breakdown of Input Costs by Category - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and seed club") +

Are there significant differences across groups? We first compare input cost shares across gender, then across seed clubs.

ggBoxTest(hh_prod_cost[!type %in% c("Seeds")], 
  aes(type, share, color=gender, fill=gender),
  grp.c=aes(group=type), grp.s=aes(group=gender), jitter=F) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  #facet_wrap(~crop) +  
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Input Costs by Category (Percent of Total Costs by Ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by gender") +

Differences across years in seed club.

ggBoxTest(hh_prod_cost[!type %in% c("Seeds")], 
  aes(type, share, color=years, fill=years),
  grp.c=aes(group=type), grp.s=aes(group=years), jitter=F) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  #facet_wrap(~crop) +  
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Input Costs by Category (Percent of Total Costs by Ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by years in seed club") +

Differences across seed clubs.

ggBoxTest(hh_prod_cost[!type %in% c("Seeds")], 
  aes(type, share, color=group, fill=group),
  grp.c=aes(group=type), grp.s=aes(group=group), jitter=F) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  #facet_wrap(~crop) +  
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Input Costs by Category (PPP$ by Hectare) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by seed club") +

Differences across crops.

ggBoxTest(hh_prod_cost[!type %in% c("Seeds")], 
  aes(type, share, color=crop, fill=crop),
  grp.c=aes(group=type), grp.s=aes(group=crop), jitter=F) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Input Costs by Category (PPP$ by Hectare) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop") +


Differences in productivity measures (expected seed yields and actual sales) across groups.

ttt(yield_ha_kg ~ group | gender+crop, data=hh, render=fmt,
  caption="Expected Seed Yield (kg / ha) - Zambia")
Expected Seed Yield (kg / ha) - Zambia
group Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Mweete mean NA NA 610 330 NA NA NA NA NA NA
median NA NA 500 300 NA NA NA NA NA NA
sd NA NA 476 203 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Tiwine mean 200 200 NA NA 1,267 262 762 4,567 925 1,090
median 200 200 NA NA 1,400 325 400 2,500 875 750
sd NA 0 NA NA 808 189 829 4,382 254 1,294
Mumbwa mean 654 720 258 467 500 NA 1,552 1,417 925 2,137
median 654 875 200 350 500 NA 1,552 1,000 925 2,137
sd 264 622 193 293 NA NA 2,047 994 106 689
Chiyota mean NA NA NA NA 600 860 1,538 NA 772 310
median NA NA NA NA 600 860 1,825 NA 400 310
sd NA NA NA NA 212 1,047 849 NA 973 198
ttt(sales_ha_kg ~ group | gender+crop, data=hh, render=fmt,
  caption="Realized Seed Sales (kg / ha) - Zambia")
Realized Seed Sales (kg / ha) - Zambia
group Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female
Mweete mean NA NA 509 425 NA NA NA NA NA NA
median NA NA 500 300 NA NA NA NA NA NA
sd NA NA 328 397 NA NA NA NA NA NA
Tiwine mean 0 650 NA NA 333 162 288 333 567 670
median 0 650 NA NA 300 200 325 0 350 750
sd NA 495 NA NA 252 111 217 577 375 634
Mumbwa mean 820 578 375 483 1,000 NA 1,605 1,500 1,425 5,325
median 820 750 200 400 1,000 NA 1,605 200 1,425 5,325
sd 28 481 421 236 NA NA 1,973 2,112 813 5,197
Chiyota mean NA NA NA NA 475 460 1,400 NA 680 300
median NA NA NA NA 475 460 1,575 NA 300 300
sd NA NA NA NA 35 481 912 NA 1,026 212
ttt(yield_ha_kg ~ group | years+crop, data=hh, render=fmt,
  caption="Realized Seed Sales (kg / ha) - Zambia")
Realized Seed Sales (kg / ha) - Zambia
group Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
< 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5
Mweete mean NA NA 530 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
median NA NA 450 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Tiwine mean 200 200 NA NA NA 693 NA 2,393 950 1,036
median 200 200 NA NA NA 400 NA 1,600 950 812
sd NA 0 NA NA NA 724 NA 3,298 354 1,062
Mumbwa mean 858 35 364 250 500 NA 200 1,665 1,325 1,737
median 858 35 300 250 500 NA 200 1,666 1,325 1,737
sd 320 NA 264 NA NA NA NA 1,125 460 1,254
Chiyota mean NA NA NA NA NA 730 2,150 925 190 820
median NA NA NA NA NA 600 2,150 925 190 450
sd NA NA NA NA NA 635 0 813 28 944
ttt(sales_ha_kg ~ group | years+crop, data=hh, render=fmt,
  caption="Realized Seed Sales (kg / ha) - Zambia")
Realized Seed Sales (kg / ha) - Zambia
group Statistic bean cowpea groundnut maize soybean
< 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5 < 5 ≥ 5
Mweete mean NA NA 485 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
median NA NA 425 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
Tiwine mean 0 650 NA NA NA 236 NA 307 350 752
median 0 650 NA NA NA 200 NA 250 350 875
sd NA 495 NA NA NA 189 NA 368 0 543
Mumbwa mean 835 35 367 750 1,000 NA 100 1,768 1,825 4,925
median 820 35 275 750 1,000 NA 100 1,105 1,825 4,925
sd 85 NA 328 NA NA NA NA 1,968 247 5,763
Chiyota mean NA NA NA NA NA 468 2,150 650 75 770
median NA NA NA NA NA 475 2,150 650 75 300
sd NA NA NA NA NA 278 0 495 106 969

Differences in efficiency measures across gender with mean comparison (Wilcoxon) p-value. Note the we take out outlying values.

outlier <- c(
  hh[yield_ha_kg > median(yield_ha_kg) + 3*sd(yield_ha_kg), hhid],
  hh[sales_ha_ppp > median(sales_ha_ppp) + 3*sd(yield_ha_kg), hhid]

kbl(caption="Respondents with yields or sales > median + 3*sd",
  hh[hhid %in% outlier, .(hhid, code, group, crop, yield_ha_kg, sales_ha_ppp)],
Tab. 9: Respondents with yields or sales > median + 3*sd
hhid code group crop yield_ha_kg sales_ha_ppp
ZMB021 FARMER16 Tiwine maize 9,600 0.000
ZMB045 FARMER46 Mumbwa maize 2,333 6,797.853
ZMB049 FARMER45 Mumbwa soybean 2,624 12,880.143
ZMB075 FARMER39 Chiyota soybean 2,500 4,472.272
ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, yield_ha_kg, color=gender, fill=gender),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=gender)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Expected Seed Yield (kg / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and gender") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier],
  aes(crop, sales_ha_ppp, color=gender, fill=gender),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=gender)) +  
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Total Seed Sales (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by gender") +

Differences in efficiency measures by years in seed club with mean comparison (Wilcoxon) p-value.

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, yield_ha_kg, color=years, fill=years),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=years)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Expected Seed Yield (kg / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified crop and by years in seed club") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, sales_ha_ppp, color=years, fill=years),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=years)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Total Seed Sales (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified crop and by years in seed club") +

Differences in efficiency measures across seed clubs with global ANOVA p-value.

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, yield_ha_kg, color=group, fill=group),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=group)) + 
  scale_x_discrete(labels=label_wrap(5)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Expected Seed Yield (Kg / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and seed club") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier],
  aes(crop, sales_ha_ppp, color=group, fill=group),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=group)) + 
  scale_x_discrete(labels=label_wrap(5)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Total Seed Sales (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified crop by seed club") +

Looking at production frontiers (units of output vs. units of input). We expect S-shape curves with farmers at different levels of technical efficiency along the curve.

Note that in the approximated curves below we remove outliers with total input costs over PPP$ 1,700 per ha.

outlier <- hh[costs_ha_ppp > median(costs_ha_ppp) + 3*sd(costs_ha_ppp), hhid]

  caption="Farmers with total input costs > median + 3*sd",
  hh[hhid %in% outlier, .(hhid, group, crop, yield_ha_kg, costs_ha_ppp)],
  format.args=list(big.mark=",", digits=0))
Tab. 10: Farmers with total input costs > median + 3*sd
hhid group crop yield_ha_kg costs_ha_ppp
ZMB021 Tiwine maize 9,600 1,746
ggplot(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], aes(costs_ha_ppp, yield_ha_kg)) +
  geom_smooth(size=.8) +
  geom_point(alpha=.7, shape=20, color=1) +
  scale_x_continuous(labels=comma) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  facet_wrap(~crop, scales="free", nrow=1) +
  labs(x="", y="",
    title="Production Frontier (Output vs. Input) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Each point is a respondent. Shade shows 90% CI (kg vs. PPP$ / ha)") +


Farmers’ gross profit margins by crop, gender, and years in seed club.

ttt(margin_ha_ppp ~ group+crop | gender+years, data=hh, render=fmt,
  caption="Mean Gross Profit Margin in Absolute Terms (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia")
Mean Gross Profit Margin in Absolute Terms (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia
group crop Statistic < 5 ≥ 5
Male Female Male Female
Mweete cowpea mean 294 418 NA NA
median 307 216 NA NA
sd 344 532 NA NA
Tiwine bean mean -136 NA NA 1,470
median -136 NA NA 1,470
sd NA NA NA 1,805
groundnut mean NA NA 334 233
median NA NA 255 298
sd NA NA 362 170
maize mean NA NA 184 -701
median NA NA 269 -302
sd NA NA 379 914
soybean mean 417 NA 2,034 794
median 417 NA 2,034 792
sd 147 NA NA 1,045
Mumbwa bean mean 443 894 NA 1,664
median 443 894 NA 1,664
sd 196 346 NA NA
cowpea mean 328 194 NA 994
median 223 194 NA 994
sd 352 83 NA NA
groundnut mean 847 NA NA NA
median 847 NA NA NA
maize mean NA 3,433 317 1,900
median NA 3,433 317 847
sd NA NA 581 3,098
soybean mean 1,027 2,138 -328 12,321
median 1,027 2,138 -328 12,321
Chiyota groundnut mean NA NA 461 131
median NA NA 461 131
sd NA NA 329 2
maize mean 777 NA 384 NA
median 777 NA 384 NA
sd 152 NA 633 NA
soybean mean -34 52 1,049 631
median -34 52 158 631
sd NA NA 1,856 NA
ttt(margin_ha_sh ~ group+crop | gender+years, data=hh, render=fmt_pct,
  caption="Mean Gross Profit Margin in Relative Terms (% of variable input costs) - Zambia")
Mean Gross Profit Margin in Relative Terms (% of variable input costs) - Zambia
group crop Statistic < 5 ≥ 5
Male Female Male Female
Mweete cowpea mean 97% 285% NA NA
median 91% 125% NA NA
sd 126% 378% NA NA
Tiwine bean mean -100% NA NA 1 256%
median -100% NA NA 1 256%
sd NA NA NA 1 564%
groundnut mean NA NA 260% 7 546%
median NA NA 211% 7 193%
sd NA NA 276% 8 534%
maize mean NA NA 191% -82%
median NA NA 220% -100%
sd NA NA 267% 31%
soybean mean 310% NA 1 805% 132%
median 310% NA 1 805% 212%
sd 262% NA NA 204%
Mumbwa bean mean 428% 989% NA 777%
median 428% 989% NA 777%
sd 7% 939% NA NA
cowpea mean 614% 128% NA 3 831%
median 461% 128% NA 3 831%
sd 596% 59% NA NA
groundnut mean 1 801% NA NA NA
median 1 801% NA NA NA
maize mean NA 2 369% 30% 536%
median NA 2 369% 30% 360%
sd NA NA 74% 709%
soybean mean 2 208% 412% -46% 2 203%
median 2 208% 412% -46% 2 203%
Chiyota groundnut mean NA NA 595% 113%
median NA NA 595% 113%
sd NA NA 40% 128%
maize mean 233% NA 647% NA
median 233% NA 647% NA
sd 134% NA 964% NA
soybean mean -100% 28% 179% 363%
median -100% 28% 53% 363%
sd NA NA 280% NA

Note that 14 respondents show negative margins.

kbl(caption="Respondents with negative gross margins.",
  hh[margin_ha_ppp < 0, 
    .(hhid, code, group, crop, costs_ha_ppp, yield_ha_kg, sales_ha_kg, margin_ha_ppp)],
  format.args=list(big.mark=",", digits=1))
Tab. 11: Respondents with negative gross margins.
hhid code group crop costs_ha_ppp yield_ha_kg sales_ha_kg margin_ha_ppp
ZMB011 FARMER9 Mweete cowpea 655 588 294 -261
ZMB012 FARMER10 Mweete cowpea 165 50 0 -165
ZMB017 FARMER17 Tiwine groundnut 18 0 0 -18
ZMB021 FARMER16 Tiwine maize 1,746 9,600 0 -1,746
ZMB022 FARMER17 Tiwine maize 660 1,600 1,000 -302
ZMB023 FARMER27 Tiwine maize 54 2,500 0 -54
ZMB025 FARMER17 Tiwine soybean 250 0 0 -250
ZMB027 FARMER19 Tiwine bean 136 200 0 -136
ZMB031 FARMER15 Tiwine maize 304 250 0 -304
ZMB047 FARMER48 Mumbwa maize 639 1,000 200 -467
ZMB059 FARMER51 Mumbwa maize 432 105 210 -94
ZMB061 FARMER52 Mumbwa soybean 708 850 850 -328
ZMB068 FARMER29 Chiyota maize 182 350 300 -64
ZMB076 FARMER41 Chiyota soybean 34 210 0 -34
outlier <- c(
  hh[margin_ha_ppp > median(margin_ha_ppp) + 3*sd(margin_ha_ppp), hhid],
  hh[margin_ha_sh > median(margin_ha_sh) + 3*sd(margin_ha_sh), hhid]

kbl(caption="Respondents with gross margins > median + 3*sd",
  hh[hhid %in% outlier, 
    .(hhid, code, group, crop, costs_ha_ppp, yield_ha_kg, sales_ha_kg, 
      margin_ha_ppp, margin_ha_sh)],
  format.args=list(big.mark=",", digits=1))
Tab. 11: Respondents with gross margins > median + 3*sd
hhid code group crop costs_ha_ppp yield_ha_kg sales_ha_kg margin_ha_ppp margin_ha_sh
ZMB018 FARMER21 Tiwine groundnut 2 400 250 311 139
ZMB020 FARMER28 Tiwine groundnut 2 400 200 284 159
ZMB045 FARMER46 Mumbwa maize 426 2,333 5,000 6,372 15
ZMB049 FARMER45 Mumbwa soybean 559 2,624 9,000 12,321 22
ggplot(hh, aes(x=hhid, color=group)) +
  geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), color=1) +
  geom_linerange(aes(ymin=0, ymax=margin_ha_ppp), size=.6) +
  geom_point(aes(y=0), shape=20, size=1.4) +
  geom_point(aes(y=margin_ha_ppp, shape=margin_ha_ppp < 0, fill=group), size=1.4) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  scale_shape_manual(values=24:25) +
  guides(x="none", shape="none") +
  labs(x=NULL, y=NULL, color="", fill="",
    title="Profit Margin (PPP$ / ha) - Zambia",
    subtitle="Each bar is a respondent's gross profit margin") +

Farmers’ gross profit margins by gender and across groups in both absolute and relative terms (as percentage of total costs per hectare).

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, margin_ha_ppp, color=gender, fill=gender),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=gender)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Absolute Terms - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and gender (PPP$ / ha)") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, margin_ha_sh, color=gender, fill=gender),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=gender)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Relative Terms - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and gender (% of total costs)") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, margin_ha_ppp, color=years, fill=years),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=years)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Absolute Terms - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and years in seed club (PPP$ / ha)") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, margin_ha_sh, color=years, fill=years),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=years)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  labs(x="", y="", fill="", color="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Relative Terms - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and years in seed club (% of total costs)") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, margin_ha_ppp, color=group, fill=group),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=group)) +
  scale_x_discrete(labels=label_wrap(5)) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) + 
  labs(x="", y="", color="", fill="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Absolute Terms - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and seed club (PPP$ / ha)") +

ggBoxTest(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], 
  aes(crop, margin_ha_sh, color=group, fill=group),
  grp.c=aes(group=crop), grp.s=aes(group=group)) +
  scale_x_discrete(labels=label_wrap(5)) +  
  scale_y_continuous(labels=percent) +
  labs(x="", y="", color="", fill="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Relative Terms - Zambia",
    subtitle="Stratified by crop and seed club (% of total costs)") +

ggplot(hh[!hhid %in% outlier], aes(member_years, margin_ha_ppp)) +
  geom_smooth(size=.8) +
  geom_point(alpha=.7, shape=20) +
  scale_y_continuous(labels=comma) +
  labs(x="", y="", color="",
    title="Gross Profit Margin in Absolute Terms vs. Years in Seed Club - Zambia",
    subtitle="Each point is a respondent (years vs. PPP$)") +


Significant pairwise associations.

  hh[, .(`seed club`=group, `years in club`=member_years,
    `costs PPP$`=costs_ha_ppp, `seed yield kg/ha`=yield_ha_kg,
    `margin PPP$`=margin_ha_ppp, `margin %`=margin_ha_sh)],
  upper = list(
    continuous=wrap("cor", size=4), 
    combo=wrap("summarise_by", color=pal[1:4], size=2)),
  lower = list(
    continuous=wrap("smooth", shape=NA), 
    combo=wrap("box_no_facet", fill=pal[1:4], alpha=.8)),
  diag = list(
    continuous=wrap("densityDiag", fill=NA),
    discrete=wrap("barDiag", fill=pal[1:4], alpha=.8)),
  title="Correlogram stratified by seed club - Zambia"
) + 

  hh[, .(gender, `years in club`=member_years,
    `costs PPP$`=costs_ha_ppp, `seed yield kg/ha`=yield_ha_kg, 
    `margin PPP$`=margin_ha_ppp, `margin %`=margin_ha_sh)],
  upper = list(
    continuous=wrap("cor", size=4), 
    combo=wrap("summarise_by", color=pal[1:2], size=2)),
  lower = list(
    continuous=wrap("smooth", shape=NA, color=hh[, pal[gender]]), 
    combo=wrap("box_no_facet", fill=pal[1:2], alpha=.8)),
  diag = list(
    continuous=wrap("densityDiag", fill=NA),
    discrete=wrap("barDiag", fill=pal[1:2], alpha=.8)),
  title="Correlogram stratified by gender - Zambia"
) +   

  hh[, .(`years in club`=years,
    `costs PPP$`=costs_ha_ppp, `seed yield kg/ha`=yield_ha_kg, 
    `margin PPP$`=margin_ha_ppp, `margin %`=margin_ha_sh)],
  upper = list(
    continuous=wrap("cor", size=4), 
    combo=wrap("summarise_by", color=pal[1:2], size=2)),
  lower = list(
    continuous=wrap("smooth", shape=NA, color=hh[, pal[gender]]), 
    combo=wrap("box_no_facet", fill=pal[1:2], alpha=.8)),
  diag = list(
    continuous=wrap("densityDiag", fill=NA),
    discrete=wrap("barDiag", fill=pal[1:2], alpha=.8)),
  title="Correlogram stratified by years in seed club - Zambia"
) +   

saveRDS(hh, "../tmp/data_zmb.rds")
# Combine all country datasets
gtm <- readRDS("../tmp/data_gtm.rds")
nre <- readRDS("../tmp/data_nre.rds")
vnm <- readRDS("../tmp/data_vnm.rds")
zmb <- readRDS("../tmp/data_zmb.rds")
vars <- lbl$code
hh <- rbindlist(list(
  gtm[, .SD, .SDcols=names(gtm) %in% vars], 
  nre[, .SD, .SDcols=names(nre) %in% vars], 
  vnm[, .SD, .SDcols=names(vnm) %in% vars], 
  zmb[, .SD, .SDcols=names(zmb) %in% vars]
), fill=T)
setcolorder(hh, lbl[code %in% names(hh), unique(code)])
fwrite(hh, "../data/hh.csv")