2.1 Cross-Country Harmonized Variables

Inventory of recent versions of IFPRI’s harmonized household-level variables for sub-Saharan Africa. Some of these variables are also available (summarized) across districts and/or regions and/or gender. Released datasets may be found on IFPRI Dataverse.

2.1.1 Dataset #1 (Poverty, Land, Climate paper)

This dataset contains 395 variables and 220460 observations. The breakdown across countries and survey years is as follows, and variables are further described in the next table. Many of these variables are also documented in Azzarri, Signorelli, & Bacou (2016).

2.1.2 Dataset #2 (HarvestChoice Agricultural Snapshots)

My copy of the household-level file is corrupt (would need to contact IFPRI directly) but the variables are similar in the region-level file.

This dataset contains 86 variables. The breakdown across countries and survey years is as follows, and variables are further described in the next table.

2.1.3 Dataset #3 (Panels for Resilience Study)

This dataset contains 2670 variables and 101333 observations. The breakdown across countries and survey years is as follows, and variables are further described in the next table.

This dataset also includes over 2,000 constructed climatic variables (monthly SPEI, temperature, rainfall, PDSI, etc.). To save space they are not shown in the variable summary below.

2.1.4 Dataset #4 (SSA Poverty Regressions)

This dataset contains 350 variables and 1650 observations. The breakdown across countries and survey years is as follows, and variables are further described in the next table. This is a district-level dataset (IFPRI holds the hh-level variables).


Azzarri, C., Signorelli, S., & Bacou, M. (2016). Poverty, Land, and Climate in Africa South of the Sahara: an empirical analysis. International Food Policy Research Institute. Retrieved from https://github.com/mbacou/2017-agra-aasr/raw/master/refs/Azzarri%20(2016)%20Poverty%2C%20Land.pdf