3.2 Ghana

Relevant sources of household-level micro records for Ghana are the 6 rounds of Ghana Living Standards Surveys in particular:

  • 1998/1999 GLSS4 (EAs were first stratified into 3 ecological zones (Coastal, Forest, Savannah), and then within each zone further stratification was done into rural or urban areas)
  • 2005/2006 GLSS5 (EAs were first stratified into 10 administrative regions; within each region EAs were further sub-divided into rural or urban areas; EAs were also classified into ecological zones and inclusion of Accra (GAMA) so that the survey results may be presented across 1) Coastal, 2) Forest, and 3) Northern Savannah, and 4) Accra).
  • 2012/2013 GLSS6 (EAs were allocated into 10 regions using probability proportional to population size (PPS), then further divided into urban and rural localities).

In contrast to the latest 2 waves GLSS4 is only representative for 3 (ecology) x 2 (rural/urban) zones.

GLSS collect information on the demographic characteristics of the population, their education, health, employment and time use, migration, housing conditions and household agriculture, with a specific focus on labour force, with a labour force module expanded in GLSS6 to include a section on child labour.

Tab. 3.15: Composition of GLSS Survey Samples
Survey Year Regions Districts Sample Urban Rural
GLSS4 1997/98 10 102 5,998 2,199 3,799
GLSS5 2005/06 10 110 8,687 3,618 5,069
GLSS6 2012/13 10 170 16,772 7,445 9,327

RIGA aggregates were used to estimate both crop sales and farm vs. non-farm income.

3.2.1 Cultivated Area

RIGA does not provide annual cultivated area, instead we have measures of land owned, land rented out, and land under sharecropping. IFPRI/HarvestChoice produced pseudo-panel variables \(landcul\) and \(landown\) (but the results look a little dubious for GLSS4, see 3.16 below). Using operated area derived from RIGA instead (i.e. \(croparea=landown+landshare-landrent\)) does yield higher proportions of households for GLSS4 but lower for GLSS6. In general GLSS4 seems to exhibit poorer data quality.

Tab. 3.16: Proportions of sampled households with any cultivated area across survey years (mutliple sources shown)
  Percent oh Hhlds with Cultivated Area
  IFPRI (landcult) IFPRI (landown) RIGA
Year rural urban rural urban rural urban
1998  13.2   3.7  37.1  12.5  35.9  11.2
1999   9.0   1.1  34.0   9.2  29.5   9.3
2005  83.6  24.4  56.9  20.1  72.5  32.2
2006  83.6  19.6  51.4  12.5  69.8  17.2
2012  76.7  23.5 100.0 100.0  59.5  25.7
2013  78.6  20.1  99.6  97.1  61.6  17.3
Cultivated Area (ha). Source: IFPRI 2016

Fig. 3.8: Cultivated Area (ha). Source: IFPRI 2016

Farm Size (ha). Source: IFPRI 2016

Fig. 3.9: Farm Size (ha). Source: IFPRI 2016

Operated Area (ha). Source: FAO/RIGA

Fig. 3.10: Operated Area (ha). Source: FAO/RIGA

In the following classification we use option #3 (FAO/RIGA operated area) across the 3 waves.

Tab. 3.17: Count of Observations across Classes of Operated Area
\(\leq\) 2 ha 2-4 ha \(>\) 4 ha N (sample)
2012/13  5,258  2,485  1,725 16,772
2005/06  2,961  1,249  1,152  8,687
1998/99  1,865  1,769    435  5,998
All 10,084  5,503  3,312 31,457
Tab. 3.18: Proportions of Observations across Classes of Operated Area (percent of full survey sample)
\(\leq\) 2 ha 2-4 ha \(>\) 4 ha
2012/13 31.3 14.8 10.3
2005/06 34.1 14.4 13.3
1998/99 31.1 29.5  7.3
All 32.1 17.5 10.5
Tab. 3.19: Proportions of Observations across Classes of Operated Area (percent of selected farm households)
\(\leq\) 2 ha 2-4 ha \(>\) 4 ha All
2012/13  55.5  26.2  18.2 100.0
2005/06  55.2  23.3  21.5 100.0
1998/99  45.8  43.5  10.7 100.0
All  53.4  29.1  17.5 100.0

We further impute cultivated area for households with some amount of crop production and crop sales to ensure internal consistency in the sample (over 5,700 households reported crop sales but no cultivated area). Figure 3.11 below show cultivated area post-imputation.

Cultivated Area (ha) (post-imputation)

Fig. 3.11: Cultivated Area (ha) (post-imputation)

3.2.2 Crop Commercialization

We evaluate multiple sources (and/or proxies) of aggregate household crop sales (again from FAO/RIGA and separately from IFPRI). Generally RIGA reports gross crop production, crop sales, and share of crop production sold in \(totcropprod\), \(totcropsold\), and \(shcropsold\) respectively. All other relevant variables are listed here:

  • \(totcropprod\) – value of total annual crop production
  • \(totcropsold\) – value of total annual crop production sold
  • \(totagprod\) – value of total annual agricultural production
  • \(totagsold\) – value of total annual agricultural production sold
  • \(totlvstprod\) – value of total annual livestock production
  • \(totlivsold\) – value total annual livestock production sold
  • \(agowncons\) – value total annual agricultural production consumed
  • \(agmisc\) – value total annual agricultural production- miscellaneous uses
  • \(shagprodsold\) – share of annual agricultural production sold in total agricultural production
  • \(shagowncons\) – share of annual agricultural production consumed in total agricultural productio
  • \(shagmisc\) – share of annual agricultural production misc in total agricultural production
  • \(shcropsold\) – share of total annual crop production sold in total crop production
  • \(shlvstsold\) – share of total annual livestock production sold in total livestock production
  • \(cropincome1gross(imp)\) – gross crop income (crop1)
  • \(cropincome2gross(imp)\) – gross crop income (crop2)
  • \(livestockgross(imp)\) – gross livestock income

However the quality of these constructed variables for Ghana tends to vary widely across survey years.

Sources of Crop Commercialization (FAO/RIGA $totcropsold$)

Fig. 3.12: Sources of Crop Commercialization (FAO/RIGA \(totcropsold\))

Sources of Crop Commercialization (FAO/RIGA $shcropsold$)

Fig. 3.13: Sources of Crop Commercialization (FAO/RIGA \(shcropsold\))

Sources of Crop Commercialization (FAO/RIGA $shagprodsold$)

Fig. 3.14: Sources of Crop Commercialization (FAO/RIGA \(shagprodsold\))

Looking at the pirate plots above (and tables below), sales from agricultural products for urban households seem to have been excluded from RIGA aggregates (though that’s not the case for GLSS4) OR urban households have largely abandoned farming over the past 12 years (also possible).

Tab. 3.20: Sales of Crops and Agricultural Products (percent of sampled households) Source: FAO/RIGA)
  Hhlds with Gross Ag Income Hhlds with no Revenue from Farming Hhlds with Ag. Sales HHlds with Crop Sales Share of Crop Sales in Ag Sales
Wave rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban rural urban
2012/13 85.8  1.8 14.2 98.2 68.5  0.0 58.8  0.0 85.8   NA
2005/06 87.4  2.5 12.6 97.5 73.6  0.0 64.5  0.0 87.7   NA
1998/99 86.7 36.8 13.3 63.2 70.7 23.9 64.8 20.1 91.7 84.0

In the rest of the analysis we use FAO/RIGA share of agricultutal products sold \(shagprodsold\) as a proxy measure of crop commercialization.

Crop Commercialization in Farms below/above 4ha of Cultivated Area (FAO/RIGA $shagprodsold$)

Fig. 3.15: Crop Commercialization in Farms below/above 4ha of Cultivated Area (FAO/RIGA \(shagprodsold\))

3.2.3 Income Diversification

Non-farm income was derived from gross RIGA components as:

\[ naggross=transfersgrossimp+otherincimp+nonfarmrntimp+nonagr\_wge+selfemp \]

\(selfemp\) was imputed to omit negative values. The final distribution of non-farm income in the survey samples is shown below for both rural and urban households

Gross Rural Non-Farm Income across Survey Waves (percent, $naggrosssh$) Source: FAO/RIGA

Fig. 3.16: Gross Rural Non-Farm Income across Survey Waves (percent, \(naggrosssh\)) Source: FAO/RIGA

Gross Urban Non-Farm Income across Survey Waves (percent, $naggrosssh$) Source: FAO/RIGA

Fig. 3.17: Gross Urban Non-Farm Income across Survey Waves (percent, \(naggrosssh\)) Source: FAO/RIGA

3.2.4 Classification of Small Farm Holdings

Within the sub-sample of farm households we look at the distribution of households across these three key (“threshold”) variables:

  • Cultivated/operated area \(cropareaimp\) (using breaks at 2 ha and/or 4 ha and excluding farm households with no \(cropareaimp\))
  • Crop commercialization \(cropsales\_sh\) (using breaks at 5% and 50% of crop production)
  • Share of off-farm income in total hhld income \(naggross\_sh\) (using breaks at 1/3 and 2/3 of total gross household income)

The tables below show this classification, as proportions of the entire survey samples, and of the selected farm samples.

Tab. 3.3: Count of Observations across Classes of Farm Households
    \(\leq\) 2 ha 2-4 ha \(>\) 4 ha  
Wave LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC All
2012/13 LoD    676    795    920    129    450    762     67    331    540  4,768
  MeD    103    110    137     19     63     98      8     46     81    688
  HiD  1,335    470    526    357    196    303    236    119    234  9,615
  All  2,300  1,375  1,583    613    709  1,163    374    496    855 16,772
2005/06 LoD    430    609    360    126    339    295     91    330    322  2,958
  MeD     87    147    116     24     62     69     11     42     69    646
  HiD    757    184    168    151     65     89    153     43     61  4,425
  All  1,377    940    644    330    466    453    285    415    452  8,687
1998/99 LoD    350    573    232    310    755    232     29    205     99  2,823
  MeD    119    135     57     68    117     40      9     30     15    600
  HiD    194    143     56    120     73     53     17     20     11  2,228
  All    669    851    345    499    945    325     55    255    125  5,998
Tab. 3.4: Proportions of Observations across Classes of Farm Households (percent of full survey sample)
    \(\leq\) 2 ha 2-4 ha \(>\) 4 ha  
Wave LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC All
2012/13 LoD  4.0  4.7  5.5  0.8  2.7  4.5  0.4  2.0  3.2 28.4
  MeD  0.6  0.7  0.8  0.1  0.4  0.6  0.0  0.3  0.5  4.1
  HiD  8.0  2.8  3.1  2.1  1.2  1.8  1.4  0.7  1.4 57.3
  All 13.7  8.2  9.4  3.7  4.2  6.9  2.2  3.0  5.1 100.0
2005/06 LoD  4.9  7.0  4.1  1.5  3.9  3.4  1.0  3.8  3.7 34.1
  MeD  1.0  1.7  1.3  0.3  0.7  0.8  0.1  0.5  0.8  7.4
  HiD  8.7  2.1  1.9  1.7  0.7  1.0  1.8  0.5  0.7 50.9
  All 15.9 10.8  7.4  3.8  5.4  5.2  3.3  4.8  5.2 100.0
1998/99 LoD  5.8  9.6  3.9  5.2 12.6  3.9  0.5  3.4  1.7 47.1
  MeD  2.0  2.3  1.0  1.1  2.0  0.7  0.2  0.5  0.3 10.0
  HiD  3.2  2.4  0.9  2.0  1.2  0.9  0.3  0.3  0.2 37.1
  All 11.2 14.2  5.8  8.3 15.8  5.4  0.9  4.3  2.1 100.0
Tab. 3.5: Proportions of Observations across Classes of Farm Households (percent of selected farm households)
    \(\leq\) 2 ha 2-4 ha \(>\) 4 ha  
Wave LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC All
2012/13 LoD  7.4  8.7 10.1  1.4  4.9  8.4  0.7  3.6  5.9 51.3
  MeD  1.1  1.2  1.5  0.2  0.7  1.1  0.1  0.5  0.9  7.3
  HiD 14.7  5.2  5.8  3.9  2.2  3.3  2.6  1.3  2.6 41.4
  All 23.2 15.1 17.4  5.5  7.8 12.8  3.4  5.4  9.4 100.0
2005/06 LoD  8.3 11.7  6.9  2.4  6.5  5.7  1.8  6.3  6.2 55.8
  MeD  1.7  2.8  2.2  0.5  1.2  1.3  0.2  0.8  1.3 12.1
  HiD 14.6  3.5  3.2  2.9  1.2  1.7  2.9  0.8  1.2 32.1
  All 24.5 18.1 12.4  5.8  9.0  8.7  4.9  8.0  8.7 100.0
1998/99 LoD  8.6 14.1  5.7  7.6 18.6  5.7  0.7  5.0  2.4 68.6
  MeD  2.9  3.3  1.4  1.7  2.9  1.0  0.2  0.7  0.4 14.5
  HiD  4.8  3.5  1.4  3.0  1.8  1.3  0.4  0.5  0.3 16.9
  All 16.3 21.0  8.5 12.3 23.3  8.0  1.4  6.3  3.1 100.0

In the next tables we limit categories to farm households below/above 4ha (as this approach produces classes with larger counts of observations).

Tab. 3.21: Count of Observations across Classes of Farm Households (farms above/below 4 ha)
    \(\leq\) 4 ha \(>\) 4 ha  
Wave LoC MeC HiC LoC MeC HiC All
2012/13 LoD    805  1,245  1,682     67    331    540  4,768
  MeD    122    173    235      8     46     81    688
  HiD  1,692    666    829    236    119    234  9,615
  All  2,913  2,084  2,746    374    496    855 16,772
2005/06 LoD    556    948    655     91    330    322  2,958
  MeD    111    209    185     11     42     69    646
  HiD    908    249    257    153     43     61  4,425
  All  1,707  1,406  1,097    285    415    452  8,687
1998/99 LoD    660  1,328    464     29    205     99  2,823
  MeD    187    252     97      9     30     15    600
  HiD    314    216    109     17     20     11  2,228
  All  1,168  1,796    670     55    255    125  5,998
Tab. 3.22: Proportions of Observations across Classes of Farm Households (farms above/below 4 ha) (percent of full survey sample)
    \(\leq\) 4 ha \(>\) 4 ha  
Wave LoC MeC HiC   LoC MeC HiC   All
2012/13 LoD  4.8  7.4 10.0 22.3  0.4  2.0  3.2  5.6 28.4
  MeD  0.7  1.0  1.4  3.2  0.0  0.3  0.5  0.8  4.1
  HiD 10.1  4.0  4.9 19.0  1.4  0.7  1.4  3.5 57.3
  All 17.4 12.4 16.4 46.2  2.2  3.0  5.1 10.3 100.0
2005/06 LoD  6.4 10.9  7.5 24.9  1.0  3.8  3.7  8.6 34.1
  MeD  1.3  2.4  2.1  5.8  0.1  0.5  0.8  1.4  7.4
  HiD 10.5  2.9  3.0 16.3  1.8  0.5  0.7  3.0 50.9
  All 19.7 16.2 12.6 48.5  3.3  4.8  5.2 13.3 100.0
1998/99 LoD 11.0 22.1  7.7 40.9  0.5  3.4  1.7  5.6 47.1
  MeD  3.1  4.2  1.6  8.9  0.2  0.5  0.3  0.9 10.0
  HiD  5.2  3.6  1.8 10.7  0.3  0.3  0.2  0.8 37.1
  All 19.5 29.9 11.2 60.6  0.9  4.3  2.1  7.3 100.0
Tab. 3.23: Proportions of Observations across Classes of Farm Households (farms above/below 4 ha) (percent of selected farm households)
    \(\leq\) 4 ha \(>\) 4 ha  
Wave LoC MeC HiC   LoC MeC HiC   All
2012/13 LoD  8.8 13.7 18.5 41.0  0.7  3.6  5.9 10.3 51.3
  MeD  1.3  1.9  2.6  5.8  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.5  7.3
  HiD 18.6  7.3  9.1 35.0  2.6  1.3  2.6  6.5 41.4
  All 28.7 22.9 30.1 81.8  3.4  5.4  9.4 18.2 100.0
2005/06 LoD 10.7 18.2 12.6 41.5  1.8  6.3  6.2 14.3 55.8
  MeD  2.1  4.0  3.6  9.7  0.2  0.8  1.3  2.3 12.1
  HiD 17.5  4.8  4.9 27.2  2.9  0.8  1.2  4.9 32.1
  All 30.3 27.0 21.1 78.4  4.9  8.0  8.7 21.6 100.0
1998/99 LoD 16.2 32.7 11.4 60.4  0.7  5.0  2.4  8.2 68.6
  MeD  4.6  6.2  2.4 13.2  0.2  0.7  0.4  1.3 14.5
  HiD  7.7  5.3  2.7 15.7  0.4  0.5  0.3  1.2 16.9
  All 28.6 44.2 16.5 89.3  1.4  6.3  3.1 10.7 100.0

Using data from the 3 GLSS waves we estimate the proportions of farm households across all categories and the distributions of other key household characteristics (household structure, assets, farm input uses, etc.).

Estimated proportions of farm households across classes and categories are shown in the next graph and table.

3.2.5 Key Results

Est. Proportions of Farm Holdings across Cultivated Area and Categories

Fig. 3.18: Est. Proportions of Farm Holdings across Cultivated Area and Categories

Tab. 3.6: Est. Proportions of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, percent)
    Crop Commercialization
Income Diversification LoC MeC HiC
LoD mean 8.1 14.5 22.6
  CI 7.0 - 9.2 12.9 - 16.1 20.5 - 24.7
MeD mean 1.4 1.8 3.4
  CI 1.1 - 1.8 1.4 - 2.2 2.8 - 4.0
HiD mean 27.0 8.7 12.5
  CI 24.2 - 29.8 7.3 - 10.1 11.0 - 13.9
Tab. 3.24: Est. Demographic Characteristics of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, percent/km)
Variable est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err.
hhsize_imp Mean  4.2  0.1  3.6  0.2  4.3  0.1  4.8  0.1  4.5  0.2  5.2  0.2  4.3  0.1  3.9  0.2  4.6  0.1
  Q50  4.0  0.0  3.0  0.3  4.0  0.0  4.0  0.3  4.0  0.5  5.0  0.0  4.0  0.0  4.0  0.3  4.0  0.3
agehead Mean 49.6  0.7 54.1  2.4 48.8  0.5 47.0  0.6 51.4  1.9 47.8  0.9 47.4  0.5 52.4  1.5 46.9  0.8
  Q50 48.0  1.3 55.0  2.6 47.0  0.8 45.0  1.0 50.0  2.3 46.0  1.3 45.0  0.5 50.0  2.0 45.0  1.0
(100 * femhead) Mean 30.1  2.2 56.9  6.3 33.6  1.7 20.9  1.7 42.9  5.5 27.6  2.3 20.7  1.5 27.2  4.1 26.0  2.3
  Q50  0.0  0.0 100.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 25.5  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
(100 * widowhead) Mean  6.4  1.4 19.5  6.2  6.1  1.0  5.6  1.1 10.6  3.5  4.4  1.1  3.8  0.7  8.8  2.7  3.6  1.0
  Q50  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
hhlabor Mean  2.1  0.1  1.6  0.1  2.3  0.1  2.3  0.1  2.1  0.1  2.6  0.1  2.1  0.1  1.9  0.1  2.3  0.1
  Q50  2.0  0.0  1.0  0.3  2.0  0.0  2.0  0.0  2.0  0.0  2.0  0.0  2.0  0.0  2.0  0.1  2.0  0.0
educhead Mean  3.1  0.2  4.3  0.4  6.0  0.2  3.6  0.2  3.1  0.4  5.3  0.2  4.1  0.1  5.0  0.4  6.0  0.2
  Q50  0.0  0.0  3.7  1.5  6.0  0.3  2.0  1.0  0.0  0.8  6.0  0.0  5.0  0.5  6.0  0.5  6.0  0.3
educave15_60 Mean  3.8  0.2  4.9  0.4  6.1  0.1  3.8  0.1  4.1  0.3  5.3  0.2  4.3  0.1  5.6  0.3  5.8  0.1
  Q50  3.5  0.4  5.8  0.4  6.0  0.1  3.9  0.3  4.0  0.5  6.0  0.2  4.5  0.2  6.0  0.2  6.0  0.0
educhigh Mean  5.3  0.2  6.4  0.3  7.6  0.1  5.5  0.1  5.7  0.3  7.1  0.2  5.8  0.1  6.6  0.3  7.5  0.1
  Q50  6.0  0.0  7.0  0.3  8.0  0.5  6.0  0.0  6.0  0.0  7.0  0.3  6.0  0.0  7.0  0.5  8.0  0.5
(100 * ownhome) Mean 74.5  3.2 72.3  4.7 48.1  1.9 71.9  2.0 66.0  5.6 62.7  4.3 70.2  1.7 67.5  4.4 57.9  2.7
  Q50 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0  0.0 25.5 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0
(100 * cellphone) Mean 22.8  2.2 23.1  5.9 11.4  1.4 20.4  2.1 16.5  3.5 15.7  2.1 18.2  2.1 18.0  3.4 13.7  1.8
  Q50  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
(100 * telephone) Mean  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.6  0.2  0.3  0.2  0.0  0.0  0.5  0.3  0.3  0.1  0.0  0.0  0.6  0.3
  Q50  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
(100 * electricity) Mean 29.3  3.2 42.8  6.4 73.8  1.6 29.8  3.1 41.8  5.0 49.9  3.3 34.3  2.7 55.1  4.7 60.7  3.2
  Q50  0.0  0.0  0.0 25.5 100.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0 25.5  0.0 25.5  0.0  0.0 100.0  0.0 100.0  0.0
distwater Mean  0.6  0.2  0.3  0.1  1.6  0.6  1.2  0.3  1.4  0.7  3.5  1.2  3.7  1.9  3.5  2.7  1.4  0.6
  Q50  0.2  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.2  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0  0.1  0.0
distroad Mean  1.6  0.4  0.4  0.2  0.2  0.1  1.2  0.3  0.4  0.1  0.4  0.1  0.9  0.2  0.3  0.1  0.3  0.1
  Q50  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0  0.0
distpost Mean 16.0  1.1 14.8  1.5 11.5  0.9 18.6  1.2 15.4  1.6 13.5  1.2 18.3  1.3 15.3  1.4 13.7  0.9
  Q50 11.0  0.5 12.0  1.7  8.0  1.0 14.0  0.9 10.0  1.0  9.0  1.0 14.0  1.0 11.0  1.4 10.0  1.0
distbank Mean 13.2  1.0 12.4  1.1  8.1  0.6 16.1  1.0 14.7  1.5 11.2  0.9 15.4  1.0 12.2  1.0 11.1  0.7
  Q50 10.0  0.8 10.0  1.0  5.0  0.5 12.0  1.0 10.0  1.0  8.0  1.0 11.0  1.0 10.0  1.0  8.0  0.8
disthealth Mean 18.2  1.2 17.8  1.6 14.4  1.1 20.8  1.2 18.2  1.6 16.5  1.4 21.0  1.1 18.7  1.4 17.9  1.0
  Q50 12.0  1.3 15.0  2.6 10.0  1.3 15.0  1.0 12.0  1.9 11.7  1.5 17.0  0.8 15.0  1.8 14.0  1.0
Tab. 3.25: Land Assets of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ha)
Variable est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err.
landown Mean 0.8 0.1 0.6 0.1 1.0 0.1 1.1 0.1 1.1 0.1 0.9 0.1 1.3 0.1 1.3 0.1 1.1 0.1
  Q50 0.5 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.8 0.2 0.8 0.1 1.2 0.1 1.2 0.2 0.8 0.1
landshare Mean 0.4 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.3 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.7 0.1
  Q50 0.4 0.3 0.1 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.7 0.2 0.4 0.1 0.4 0.3 0.8 0.1
croparea_imp Mean 1.0 0.0 0.8 0.1 1.1 0.1 1.5 0.0 1.4 0.1 1.3 0.1 1.7 0.0 1.7 0.1 1.4 0.1
  Q50 0.8 0.0 0.6 0.1 0.8 0.0 1.3 0.1 1.2 0.2 1.2 0.1 1.6 0.0 1.6 0.1 1.2 0.1
Tab. 3.12: Est. Production, Sales, and Income of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, Percent/Cedis)
Variable est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err.
aggross Mean    764.30     91.89    867.16    267.01    109.18     15.01  1,480.59    156.33  1,001.94    105.61    915.36     75.76  2,051.20     94.36  2,165.55    279.43  1,421.15    116.28
  Q50    322.59     32.34    364.87     54.64      0.00      0.00    906.75     50.29    589.54    105.38    584.03     84.87  1,446.06     80.14  1,171.40     99.60    892.04     97.64
totgross Mean    799.08     95.35  1,840.20    680.38 33,148.29  3,004.92  1,532.24    158.06  1,962.72    198.77 33,976.45  3,676.22  2,157.56     98.99  4,609.96    636.60 41,257.51  2,760.21
  Q50    330.23     32.57    691.35    105.52  8,451.82    762.28    934.65     47.01  1,148.38    175.96 14,134.41  1,501.61  1,511.40     88.77  2,341.20    250.19 17,071.37  1,510.50
(100 * naggross_sh) Mean      2.24      0.33     48.18      1.20     98.31      0.17      3.32      0.31     48.00      0.90     91.04      0.50      3.96      0.28     49.47      0.74     91.33      0.42
  Q50      0.00      0.00     45.54      2.46    100.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     46.81      1.87     95.11      0.87      0.00      0.00     49.02      1.59     95.12      0.57
cropvalue Mean    572.90     81.55    447.44     49.53    227.41     30.05  1,349.28    154.45    853.43     87.45    831.14     70.41  1,680.17     66.75  1,479.35    114.63  1,045.24     64.32
  Q50    265.33     26.33    320.46     57.85     82.08     14.28    813.72     53.96    536.90     86.16    532.68     75.77  1,187.46     62.01  1,000.32     83.87    662.61     79.28
cropsales Mean      5.02      2.21      3.65      1.28      0.71      0.23    341.55     22.78    215.81     34.40    211.96     18.26  1,273.75     54.35  1,136.31     93.45    797.40     54.54
  Q50      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00    200.00     16.58    120.00     13.00    112.07      8.74    880.00     53.12    792.72     82.31    426.00     72.99
(100 * cropsales_sh) Mean      0.30      0.05      0.47      0.11      0.07      0.01     29.57      0.59     29.26      1.19     28.12      0.85     76.60      0.72     76.80      1.24     79.13      0.89
  Q50      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     30.40      1.01     30.71      2.23     28.84      1.13     76.94      1.25     78.19      2.51     80.11      1.52
totlvstprod Mean     14.64      2.84      8.25      2.93      5.90      1.02     77.76      5.66     67.05      9.58     54.62      6.28    300.83     74.86    609.61    239.93    336.41     94.84
  Q50      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00     16.16      4.34     16.94      9.90     10.00      5.50      3.70      4.08      5.00     10.20      5.00      5.10
totlivsold Mean      1.86      0.64      1.43      0.70      0.61      0.18     60.00      4.86     52.12      8.52     39.56      4.97    287.82     74.08    592.38    238.63    326.79     94.63
  Q50      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      4.99      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      0.00      1.28      0.00      0.51
Tab. 3.13: Est. Small and Large Livestock Holdings for Farms below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ’000 TLU)
Variable est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err.
(1000 * TLU_horse) Mean  5  2  1  1  1  0  3  1  5  2  1  0  2  1  2  1  2  1
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(1000 * TLU_cattle) Mean 21  4  9  3 15  4 24  4 22  6 10  3 26  4 35 17 14  3
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(1000 * TLU_pigs) Mean  9  2  4  2  3  1  8  1  6  2  7  1  6  1  5  1  4  1
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(1000 * TLU_sheep) Mean 24  3 17  3 17  1 36  2 45  6 35  2 34  2 32  3 36  2
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  3 12  9  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(1000 * TLU_small) Mean  8  1  6  1  5  0 12  1 11  1 12  1 11  1 11  1 10  1
  Q50  0  1  3  1  0  0  7  1  8  2  8  1  4  1  7  2  3  1
(1000 * TLU_total) Mean 67  9 38  7 42  5 83  6 88 13 66  5 79  6 83 18 66  5
  Q50  4  3  4  4  0  0 27  3 32  8 27  4 19  3 19  4 22  4
Tab. 3.14: Est. Agricultural Input Use in Farms below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, percent of farms)
Variable est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err. est. std. err.
(100 * seeds) Mean  9  1 10  3 13  1 18  2 20  4 21  3 16  2 16  3 20  2
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(100 * fert_any) Mean 35  3 17  4 26  2 46  2 42  5 34  4 45  2 42  5 38  2
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 26  0 26  0  0  0  0  0 26  0  0
(100 * fert_inorg) Mean 29  3 13  3 18  2 36  3 36  5 27  3 35  2 28  4 25  2
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(100 * fert_org) Mean  8  2  5  2 11  2 12  1  8  2  8  1 12  1 15  4 15  2
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(100 * herb) Mean 31  3 41  5 41  2 63  3 57  5 64  3 65  2 71  4 57  3
  Q50  0  0  0 22  0  0 100  0 100  0 100  0 100  0 100  0 100  0
(100 * pest) Mean 15  2 12  3 20  2 26  2 24  5 28  3 38  2 40  5 35  3
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(100 * irr) Mean  0  0  0  0  1  0  0  0  2  1  1  0  1  0  0  0  1  0
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(100 * fuel) Mean 16  2 14  4 23  2 28  2 27  4 27  3 35  2 25  4 30  2
  Q50  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
(100 * hired_labor) Mean 30  3 38  6 42  2 44  2 40  5 48  4 49  2 59  4 49  3
  Q50  0  0  0 17  0  0  0  0  0  0  0 26  0 26 100  0  0 26

Below are estimated distributions of key characteristics for farms below 4 ha (GLSS6, 2012/13).

Est. Farm Sizes of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ha)

Fig. 3.19: Est. Farm Sizes of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ha)

Est. Cultivated Area of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ha)

Fig. 3.20: Est. Cultivated Area of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ha)

Est. Gross Farm Income of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, '000 Cedis)

Fig. 3.21: Est. Gross Farm Income of Farm Holdings below 4 ha across Categories (2012/13, ’000 Cedis)

Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha with Seed Purchases across Categories (2012/13, '000 Cedis)

Fig. 3.22: Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha with Seed Purchases across Categories (2012/13, ’000 Cedis)

Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha using Organic Fertilizer across Categories (2012/13, '000 Cedis)

Fig. 3.23: Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha using Organic Fertilizer across Categories (2012/13, ’000 Cedis)

Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha using Chemical Fertilizer across Categories (2012/13, '000 Cedis)

Fig. 3.24: Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha using Chemical Fertilizer across Categories (2012/13, ’000 Cedis)

Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha using Fuel and/or Maintenance Services across Categories (2012/13, '000 Cedis)

Fig. 3.25: Est. Farm Holdings below 4 ha using Fuel and/or Maintenance Services across Categories (2012/13, ’000 Cedis)