Section 1 Methods

The study should provide a context-setting chapter that attempts to characterize, scale, locate, point to prioritization of high-level smallholder commercialization strategies, opportunities and challenges. A proposed approach is to chracterize SHFs and frame business strategies within a 2-by-2 domain framework (low/high rainfed ag potential across low/high market access areas). This approach assumes that agricultural development and adaptation strategies are largely driven by pre-existing bio-physical and spatial conditions.

We propose then focusing on around half a dozen countries for which we have recent/accessible microdata (e.g. LSMS-ISA and maybe AGRA baseline surveys) to look more closely, in the same 2x2 domain framework, at specific farm household and macro characteristics to do two things:

  1. Apply some typology to distinguish between say “predominantly-subsistence” focused and “transitioning-commercial” smallholders
  2. Report on hh level variables that can provide insight into the scale of potential business development challenges and opportunities in each country.
 Suggested Approach (05/02/2017)

Fig. 1.1: Suggested Approach (05/02/2017)

Key farm and household-level variables to look at may include:

  • Time to Market
  • Average yield
  • Yield gap
  • Average size of land holdings
  • Share of land harvested
  • Production (amount by crop types)
  • Consumption
  • Rural households population
  • Urban households population
  • Rural and urban poverty
  • Average household size
  • Households by head (Male, Female)
  • Average age of the individuals
  • Households size
  • Education
  • Households level income diversification
  • Livestock assets
  • Ownership of mobile phones
  • Households who receive credit
  • Households who receive credit from bank or MFI
  • Access to extension services
  • People in working age (16-64)
  • Use of improved technologies and farm management practices
  • Average wage rate
  • Land rental rate
  • Any information on agri-business or agro processing?