Section 6 Trends in Macro Indicators
Long-term time series of macro-economic indicators across regions. Note that these series are aggregated using WDI country-level indicators. Table 6.1 below lists all countries included in each region. The raw data is available at 2017-agra-aasr_WDI_ts (corrected).csv.
Fig. 6.1: Regional Trends in GDP per Capita (1990-2015) Source: WDI.
Fig. 6.2: Regional Trends in Cereal Yield (1990-2015) Source: WDI.
Fig. 6.3: Regional Trends in Sectoral Value Added (1990-2015) Source: WDI.
Note that India is missing multiple years of agricultural employment statistics. Simple linear interpolation is used to impute these missing values. This is a rough first-stab.
Fig. 6.4: Trends in Land and Labor Productivity (2000-2014). Source: WDI.
The regional aggregation used in the above graphs is provided here.
Region | Country | ISO2 Code | ISO3 Code | Income Level |
China | China | CN | CHN | Upper middle income |
India | India | IN | IND | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | American Samoa | AS | ASM | Upper middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Cambodia | KH | KHM | Low income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Fiji | FJ | FJI | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Indonesia | ID | IDN | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Kiribati | KI | KIR | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Korea, Dem. Rep. | KP | PRK | Low income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Lao PDR | LA | LAO | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Malaysia | MY | MYS | Upper middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Marshall Islands | MH | MHL | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Micronesia, Fed. Sts. | FM | FSM | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Mongolia | MN | MNG | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Myanmar | MM | MMR | Low income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Palau | PW | PLW | Upper middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Papua New Guinea | PG | PNG | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Philippines | PH | PHL | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Samoa | WS | WSM | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Solomon Islands | SB | SLB | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Thailand | TH | THA | Upper middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Timor-Leste | TL | TLS | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Tonga | TO | TON | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Tuvalu | TV | TUV | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Vanuatu | VU | VUT | Lower middle income |
Rest of East Asia (excl. high income) | Vietnam | VN | VNM | Lower middle income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Afghanistan | AF | AFG | Low income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Bangladesh | BD | BGD | Low income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Bhutan | BT | BTN | Lower middle income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Maldives | MV | MDV | Upper middle income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Nepal | NP | NPL | Low income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Pakistan | PK | PAK | Lower middle income |
Rest of South Asia (excl. high income) | Sri Lanka | LK | LKA | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Angola | AO | AGO | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Benin | BJ | BEN | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Botswana | BW | BWA | Upper middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Burkina Faso | BF | BFA | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Burundi | BI | BDI | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Cameroon | CM | CMR | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Cape Verde | CV | CPV | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Central African Republic | CF | CAF | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Chad | TD | TCD | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Comoros | KM | COM | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Congo, Dem. Rep. | CD | COD | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Congo, Rep. | CG | COG | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Cote d’Ivoire | CI | CIV | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Eritrea | ER | ERI | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Ethiopia | ET | ETH | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Gabon | GA | GAB | Upper middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Gambia, The | GM | GMB | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Ghana | GH | GHA | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Guinea | GN | GIN | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Guinea-Bissau | GW | GNB | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Kenya | KE | KEN | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Lesotho | LS | LSO | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Liberia | LR | LBR | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Madagascar | MG | MDG | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Malawi | MW | MWI | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Mali | ML | MLI | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Mauritania | MR | MRT | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Mauritius | MU | MUS | Upper middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Mayotte | YT | MYT | Upper middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Mozambique | MZ | MOZ | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Namibia | NA | NAM | Upper middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Niger | NE | NER | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Nigeria | NG | NGA | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Rwanda | RW | RWA | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Sao Tome and Principe | ST | STP | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Senegal | SN | SEN | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Seychelles | SC | SYC | Upper middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Sierra Leone | SL | SLE | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Somalia | SO | SOM | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | South Sudan | SS | SSD | Not classified |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Sudan | SD | SDN | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Swaziland | SZ | SWZ | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Tanzania | TZ | TZA | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Togo | TG | TGO | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Uganda | UG | UGA | Low income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Zambia | ZM | ZMB | Lower middle income |
Rest of sub-Saharan Africa (excl. high income) | Zimbabwe | ZW | ZWE | Low income |
South Africa | South Africa | ZA | ZAF | Upper middle income |